Chapter 17 (Final)

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It was a month later and the dead were already buried and the repairs had begun on the Castle. The evacuated citizens went back to their owns towns and the soldiers were sent back home after being rewarded for their bravery and skills in battle.

(Y/n) had woken up a week after being treated. No signs of future back issues could be seen at the moment but the risk was still there. After waking up she and Tsukishima had made their relationship public, everyone was accepting of it and thought that it was very fitting.

"Oi Tsukishima, what do you think you are doing?!" (Y/n) yelled snatching the blue paper out of the megane's hands.

"Hey watch it, you'll crinkle the paper idiot!" He snatched it back trying to smooth it out.

"Yah we don't even need that why are you building it?!" She smacked his head.

"Well why don't we need a pool?" He sassed walking away and yelling at one of the construction workers to not break the glass or he would "whoop his a**"

(Y/n) followed after him, "Because it's a waste of money and we don't need one."

"So what you're rich and everyone wanted a pool."

She ran a hand through her hair. "Urgh fine but build it somewhere out of the way, I don't wanna fall in it accidently."

"Cool thanks sweety." He continued to yell at the men after having nearly broke the glass.

(Y/n) rolled her eyes at the name and continued watching everyone put the castle back together.

"Princess!" Hinata called out running over to her, making sure to dodge all of the men.

"Yeah what's up Hinata?"

"Princess, Kageyama is being mean to me again!" He whined.

"Well don't cry to me go talk to Sugamamma or Dadchi about it." She joked patting his head.

"Yeah I couldn't find them." He pouted.

"Oh, well in that case. Kageyama, quit bullying Hinata already!" (Y/n) scolded him.

"Yes Princess." He bowed his head and glared at the smug teen.

"Right well whatever go away now." (Y/n) dismissed them and walked off, leaving Kageyama to chase Hinata.

She approached the quiet brunette and squatted beside him. "How's the gardens coming along Asahi?"

"Ah good good, I'm almost done actually." He smiled gesturing to the bush in front of him.

"Sweet well keep it up." (Y/n) gave him a thumbs up and left.

She went inside and into the newly finished sunroom and flopped on one of the beanbags. "Urgh my back, it's so stiff, I feel like an old lady."

"Maybe that's because you are an old lady." Tsukishima joked flopping down next to her.

"Hey I ain't that old, I'm only in my teens here, don't be getting ahead of yourself." (Y/n) smacked him.

"Ow, why the hell are you always hitting me?" He whined rubbing his arm.

"Because you piss me off." She flicked her hair dramatically.

"Tch, lame." He grumbled.

"Yeah whatever, but you love this lame chick." She teased.

"Yeah I guess I do." He kissed her forehead, causing her to go all flustered.

"What was that for?" She shied away hiding head from him.

"Because I love ya."

Many frickin years later

"Tsukishima stop him before he falls over!" (Y/n) yelled out chasing after a small blonde haired child.

"Relax he's fine." He brushed off and continued to lay on his deck chair.

"Yeah well you won't be saying that when he falls in without his floaties on now will you." She sassed as she grabbed the child arm and stopped him.

"Oi kid don't be running around near the frickin pool all right. Cause if you fall in he won't save you and I'll probably drown too." (Y/n) told him fixing the floaties to his arms.

"But mama this itches." He whined scratching at his arms.

"Yeah well the itchy stuff is going to save you so live with it." She patted his head.

"Fine." His (e/c) drooped as he waddled towards to water in his penguin swimsuit.

"See this is why we shouldn't have built this damned pool." (Y/n) complained.

"Yeah but everyone loves it." He said gestured to Kageyama who was currently dunking Hinata under the water and holding him there for longer than Sugawara would like.

(Y/n) saw Noshi paddling around in the water and then noticed Tanaka getting ready to cannonball right next to him.

"Oi Tanaka if you would like to live I suggested you do a safe entry rather than knock my kid out." (Y/n) glared.

Tanaka noticed the pouting boy and cursed moving down to the other end of the pool.

"Hey stop worrying all the time." Tsukishima hugged her from behind patting her stomach, "You're gonna stress out the little guy."

"Yeah but I can't help it when everyone here is reckless!" (Y/n) shouted out that last part making sure the other heard it.

"(Y/n) would you like some cake?" Yachi asked as she walked over to her holding a piece of chocolate cake.

"Yeah thanks Yachi. Oh did you get new eyepatch?"

"Hm oh yeah, Kiyoko made it for me." She beamed looking at the dark haired female trying to avoid Nishinoya and Tanaka.

"Looks cute."


"Hey come on you must be tired why don't you go for a nap?" Tsukishima whispered leading her away from everyone and back inside.

"I guess. Noshi, come here!" (Y/n) called out for their son who came running to them, but not before ditching the itchy floaties. Tsukishima picked him and wrapped him in a fluffy yellow duck towel.

(Y/n) walked into the sunroom and flopped down onto the large pile of pillows and groaned.

"Back pains?" Tsukishima asked laying down next to her.

"Yeah, they're getting worse I reckon."

"Hmm well it was to be expected of." He grumbled patting her head. (Y/n) snuggled into his chest and held open hear arms for Noshi to join them. The small boy curled up against his father and went to sleep straight away.

"Hm, we've done well these past years haven't we." (Y/n) spoke up. Karasuno was now one of the most powerfulest Kingdoms, with it now having a Queen, King and lots more citizens. The Kingdom thrived made (Y/n) quite proud of what they had managed to achieve.

"Yeah I guess we did." Tsukishima yawned and closed his eyes.

"Love you both." (Y/n) whispered kissing both of their foreheads.

"Yeah love you too." He responded wrapping his arms around the two. In a matter of moments they were all asleep and were woken by no one.

Sugawara stood with Daichi at the door to the sunroom and smiled. "They really made it great again didn't they?"

"Yeah they did."


Finally finished it. Thank you for reading it ^w^ I hope it was good and didn't bore you at all.  

We Can Make It Great Again- A Tsukishima x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now