Chapter 15

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Tsukishima lifted back his sword and took a deep breath swinging it down. (Y/n) took a sharp breath when she felt the wind of the blade passing through the air. Her heart pounded at the bloody images that filled her head.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." A strange voice startled (Y/n). She spun around and saw a dark haired male blocking Tsukishima's sword with his own.

"Iwaizumi Hajime." Was all Tsukishima said.

"You weren't trying to assassinate my king were you?" He ignored, his cold eyes staring straight into the blonde's golden brown eyes.

"I don't know, what does it look like I was doing." Tsukishima smirked.

"I think we both know what you were doing. You know I don't appreciate you trying to kill him. Humans really are monsters when it comes to war. Killing someone in there sleep is dirty play." He flicked away Tsukishima's sword and held up his own, walking around to the front forcing Tsukishima to push (Y/n) back with him.

Iwaizumi bent down and smacked Oikawa on the head, causing him to jump awake. "Iwa-chan! What was that for?!" He whinded.

"You must be tired. Get some more sleep dumba**, because you're so tired you just about nearly got yourself killed." He motioned to where (Y/n) and Tsukishima were standing. His eyes went wide and he stood up.

"Ah Princess! I see I finally get to meet you." Oikawa chuckled as he laid his eyes on (Y/n). Tsukishima tensed up and pushed her behind him more.

"Don't talk to her." He growled.

"Why not? I'm a king, she's a princess we should be allowed to. And who are you to tell me what to do?" He glared taking a step forwards.

"It doesn't matter who I am." His eyes twitched as he stepped back more.

Oikawa put his hands on his hips and laughed mockingly."Oh my God could it be. Oh it is. Oh this is funny. Iwa-chan it appears our friend here is together with the Princess."

"Oikawa it's not that funny." He stated.

Oikawa ignored him and kept talking. "You know it will never last. She will advently have to marry someone elses from a royal bloodline and leave you all alone. You know she is pretty, maybe I'll take her." He laughed.

"You stay away from her!" He lifted his sword and swung at him.Iwazumi blocked it with ease and shoved him back.

"(Y/n) you get out of here and find Kageyama or Daichi." Tsukishima commanded.

"What the hell no! I ain't going anywhere. You are not fighting him on your own, I'm going to help you." She glared up at him.

"The hell you are. Look I don't want to argue with you so just listen to me for once and get out." His voice was quiet and his eyes filled with fear.

(Y/n) nodded and patted his arm, she wanted to hug or kiss him but now was not the time. Running she exited the room and down the hallway.

"Oikawa go after her." Iwaizumi told him, not taking his eyes off of Tsukishima. Oikawa nodded and ran after her.

"Get back here!" Tsukishima yelled making a move to go after him but was blocked by Iwaizumi.

"You're not going anywhere, your business is with me." His voice was low and dangerous.

"You're begging to be a pain in my a** you know that right." Iwaizumi just smirked and swung at him.

(Y/n) ran down the hallway her eyes filled with tears. She had heard about Iwaizumi before and how good he was. She knew that there was little hope of his survival. It pained her to go but she had to trust him, she had to respect his words as she didn't know if that would be the last thing he would ever ask of her.

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