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"What the hell happened in there Ashton?" I said once we finally got inside my house. "We were playing around a little to rough and she fell, just like she told you." He said. I grabbed his arm and pulled him downstairs and locked my door tight. "Look, this is the second time she's gotten bruises like that. I don't know what she told you, but you need to tell me what happened."

"If you want to know then go find out yourself. I already told you what happened. Besides, it's none of your business." He said. "Can you stop being an asshole and just tell me what happened Ash? I know you and everyone else in this house thinks I don't care about her but I do. What happened in there?"

He sighed before turning around to face me. "I was telling her dad who I was, then he just blew up at us. He was the one who hit her. Don't tell her I told you okay, I promised her I wouldn't."
"And you just left her there! What the hell is wrong with you?" I shouted at him. "If you go over there, you're gonna make this worse. She's already in trouble, you showing up won't make it better."

"But if we don't go he could hurt her even more. If you cared about her like you say you do, then you'd want to help her."

"And if you cared, maybe you wouldn't have to worry about this know would you?" Once he left, and punched my door, which caused a hole but I didn't care. I tried to go to sleep but I just couldn't, and Jade kept trying to get to fuck her. I ended up doing it but I barely payed attention to her.

"What the hell is your problem Hood? You didn't even come." She said wrapping herself in my sheet.
"I told you I wasn't up to it, but you insisted." I said going back to the couch.

The following morning, I rushed to my morning routine, and got my mum to bring me to school early. I waited in Ariana's usual parking spot and when she got here, she was in the car with her dad. It took every will of strength not to confront him, but when he saw me, he went cold. I could tell from the way he looked at me and then Ariana.

When she got out, he pulled out faster than anyone I've ever seen. "What are you doing here?"
"Look, I know you hate me. You have every right to, but I have a right to know what's going on with you."
"No you don't, we aren't boyfriend and girlfriend and we aren't even friends. Now leave me-"

I grabbed her arm and whimpered at me. "He did this to you, didn't he?" I said lifting her sleeve to see a bruise. "I told you I fell-"
"Quit fucking lying to me. I know you didn't fall."

"How would you know?"

"Your boyfriend told me."

"Doesn't matter. If you get involved you'll just make things worse for me, so do me a favor and stay out of it." She said quietly. She pushed past me and walked inside the school, and I slowly followed behind.

When we got to our lockers, she didn't say anything to me, just grabbed her books and walked with her friends. "Hey," I turned around and saw Jack standing their with an envelope in his hand, "What jackass?"

"Can you give this to Jazmine for me please?" He said handing it to me. "What's in here?"
"Money. . . For the baby." I scoffed before slamming my locker door shut. "Give it to her yourself."
"I can't. My parents have me under lock and key, I haven't been over to see her in weeks."

"Must be terrible." I said walking away. "Calum wait," of course he ended up running after me as I tried to dodge him in the hallway. "Calum," he said once again as he caught up with me. "I know you hate me, and you have every right to, but please, make sure this money gets to my baby."

"Fine, I'll give it to Jazmine."

"No, not Jazmine. Give it to your mom, or keep it until the baby comes, but don't give it to her."

"Why not? Jazmine's gonna be the one-"

"Every time I give her money for the baby she spends it on herself. I have her $250 dollars and she went shopping for new clothes with it. I don't trust her with this much money."

"Okay then. I won't give it to her." I said stuffing it in my backpack. "Thanks man." He said. "No problem. Hey, can I uh. . . Ask you something?"
"Of course."

"When you were dating Ariana, did she ever have a any bruises?" He sighed and looked around before pushing me into an empty classroom. "What the hell are you doing?"

"If Ariana's dad has been hitting her again, you need to stay away from her as much as possible."
"Well that's not happening considering I care about her safety and well being. I'm not gonna sit around and let him do that to her."

"You don't understand, Mr. Grande can really do some damage to her if you make him too angry."
"What kind of damage?"

"He once grabbed her head and banged it against a wall, and gave her a concussion, because she was 5 minutes late to bible study." I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration, and sighed. "So there's nothing we can do?"

"If i were you, I would just stay out of it. I couldn't because our parents wanted us together, but dealing with stuff like that, could end up going terribly. If you don't want that, then you better just steer clear. I gotta go."


After school I waited by Ariana's locker until she finally walked over with her cheer friends.
"I'll see you girls at practice tonight." She said as they waved goodbye. When she approached her locker, she barely said a word to me.

"I know your mad, but I want to help you." I said grabbing her hand, only for her to pull it away.
"I don't need your help, and I don't want it. I can take care of myself."

"Obviously you can't considering how many times your dad has done this to you." I said through gritted teeth. "Why do you care so much? You're not my boyfriend." She said grabbing her bag. "That doesn't mean I don't care about you." I said tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I miss you. Please, can we go back to the way things used to be?"

"You mean you only wanting me for sex? Not interested." She said pulling away from me. When I turned around, she was running into Ashton's arms, who was waiting with flowers. "Are these for me?"
"Of course. Nothing's to good for my princess." He said kissing her forehead.

"Awe Ash, you're so thoughtful." She said as they held hands and walked out of school together.
I was so embarrassed when everyone looked at me. I slammed my locker door shut and headed outside, and saw them getting ready to leave me.

"Hey!" I shouted, but Ashton pulled off before I could get to him.

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