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When I left Ariana, I went home and went into my parents room and got her phone to steal Calum's phone number.
Once I got it, I texted him- this is Maggie, I hope you don't have any plans tonight because Ariana has a surprise for you. Text me your address so I can come get you around 8. Pack a bag.

I put the phone back and went to my room and packed a bag of clothes myself. I went downstairs an tried to sneak out but my dad caught me. "Maggie, where's Ariana?"
"Oh, I left her at the nail salon. I needed my wallet and a forgot it here."

"What's in the bag?"

"Change of clothes. I don't wanna walk around in this dress and heels all day." I said. I was terrified at the way he was looking at me. He could always tell when I'm lying. "Alright then. How long are you and Ariana gonna be out?"

"I was thinking we'd go over Bridget's house tonight and hangout with her and Katie." Note to self, text my ex-best friend and see if she'll cover my ass. "But it's Christmas Eve, we always spend Christmas Eve together."
"I know dad but I missed my little sister and we just want to have some girl time."

"Fine. Here's $50 more, go have some fun." I hugged him goodbye and drove over to Bridget's and called her to come outside. "It must be important, you called me." She said smirking. "I need you and Katie to cover for me and Ariana tonight."

"I think we'll pass."

"Dude come on, all the times I covered for you. Just do me this one favor."

"Your sister ditched all her friends for some stupid guy. Katie hasn't talked to her in weeks." She said.
"Yeah and you slept with Aaron the minute you found out I lied to you about Jake so I think you owe me."
"You have some nerve to come all the way here and try and shit on me for a favor."

"If the shoe fits sweetheart. Now can you cover for me or not?"

"Fine." She said getting out of my car, slamming the door. I rolled my eyes and drove around town getting myself some things to do in my hotel room.

As the day went on, I finally got a text from Calum-no I'm not doing anything, *insert fake address here*, and I'll be ready by then. I smiled to myself knowing I was such an amazing sister to pull this off. Cocky I know, but with a dad like ours, I'm pretty badass to pull this off.


When I went to his house, he was sitting on the porch waiting. "What's this about? Is Ariana okay?"
"She's perfectly fine. Got everything you need?" He nodded and we silently drove to the hotel. "I hope you're not this quiet with my sister." I winked as we got out of the car and into the lobby. "Here's your room key sir... you two have a good night."


When Maggie handed me the key, we went out separate ways and I got in the elevator and rode up to the top floor. When I saw the room, I was pretty intimidated by the size of the doors, but I tucked the key in the slot and when the door opened, Ariana was sitting on the bed in a silk robe.
"Hi." She said in the sweetest voice. "Hi." I looked around and saw candles and rose petals all over the room. Rose petals even in the bed.

"What's all this?" I said as I shut the door and dropped my bag on the ground. "My Christmas present to you." She said. I walked over to her and she stood up and let her robe fall to the ground, exposing her naked body, causing an instant hard on.

"I'm ready." I kind of froze in the moment and she just smiled and giggled at me. She wrapped her arms around my neck, before they trailed down my chest, and got to my hard on, and he was definitely hard.
My hands cupped her face and I kissed her. It started out as a slow kiss, nice and subtle, but then i wanted more.

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