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2:23am. I kept tossing and turning all night long. Calum was fast asleep, snoring peacefully. I slowly got out of bed, grabbed his shirt and went to the balcony. It was a little cold, but I stayed out there anyway. All of a sudden, i felt Calum's hands wrap around me and his soft lips on my neck. "Come back to bed with me." He whispered in my ear. "I will, in a minute."

"Everything okay?"

"I don't want this to end," I said turning towards him and resting my head against his chest, "I love you so much." He tilted my head up towards him, and kissed me gently. "I love you too." He pulled me back to bed, and I cuddled up against him. "I never want this to end." I heard him mumble in my hair. I closed my eyes and drifted off to him humming a song in my ear.

The next morning, we could barely keep our hands off one another. It took us an extra 30 minutes packing up all of our things, and I feel bad for Maggie, because we both sat in the backseat, and she was a little grossed out. "I don't want you to go." I said as we were making out in the driveway. "Maybe i'll stop by later when I drop off your christmas present." He said. "I don't think i'll be able to last very long." Maggie blew the horn causing us to groan and finally pull away, after a couple more kisses.
"I love you."

"I love you too."

When we got home and went inside, our father was waiting for us at the table. "I have been calling you too all night. Where the hell were you?" He's been drinking.
"We were at a friends house dad, I told you-" He got up and slapped Maggie in the face. "Don't you lie to me. I know that's not where you were." He looked at me, and his eyes went wide.

"What is that?"

"What is what?" He grabbed me and pushed me against the wall and moved my hair. "Is that a hickey on your neck?" He slapped me too, and threw me on the ground.
"You were with that boy. I thought I made it very clear that you were not supposed to see him. Do you want to be a whore like your sister."

"Maggie is not a whore daddy-" He kicked me in the mouth. "All women who sleep with men before they're married are whores. Whores go to hell Ariana, is that where you wanna go-"

"Dad stop," Isaiah said trying to get him off, but my father drunk is too strong. He knocked my brother down and pushed my sister away too. He grabbed me and slammed my back against the wall. "Daddy I'm-"
He punched me left and right, I was a bloody beaten mess. "I'm sorry please stop hurting me." I cried. The tears brunt my face, but my brother finally got him down long enough for me to catch my breath.

"You're nothing but a whore. A slut, that's all you will ever be. You are not my daughter." He said as he broke free once more to slap me again. "I hope you burn in hell you bitch." I cried and cried, as I was stuck on the floor, barely being able to move, watching my father beat up my sister and brother, as they tried to protect me. Then, everything went dark...


I was walking to Ariana's to give her her present because I couldn't wait any longer. It was around 12 am, and I knew her parents would be sleeping. I called her phone to let her know I was coming but she didn't answer the first few times, until finally my call went through. "Hey, I'm on my way, I'll climb up through the window-"

"No need son. I'll open the door." It was her father. "Mr. Grande? I ugh, was stopping by to bring Ariana some homework from our Statistics class-"

"No need to lie son. I know about you and my daughter. just come to the front door." I tuck her gift in my pocket and walk to silently to her house. When I made it to the front door, it was already partly opened. I walked inside and went to the kitchen and her father was drinking.
"Calum, is it?"

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