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When I walked home that night, I couldn't help but smile the whole way home, thinking of Ariana, and how much I pissed her boy toy off. It was the highlight of my day. When I walked in the door, my little brothers and sisters were running around, while my niece Macey was sitting in front of the tv.

"Guys, be quiet." I said noticing my 16 year old sister Jazmine passed out on the couch. "Hey cutie, did you miss me today." I said picking her up. She rested her head on my shoulder, sucking away on her pacifier. "Jaz, Jazmine wake up." I said tapping her arm, until she groaned and got up. "What Calum?"

"Did you feed her?"

"No, mum hasn't come back yet with any more milk." I mentally face palmed myself. "You know you can breast feed right?"
"She's getting to big for that Calum, and it's making my breasts sore." She whined laying back down.
"That's what you get for going around and having sex with way to many guys."

"Fuck off, you've fucked way more girls than I have guys-"

"But at least I was smart enough to use protection dumb ass. Learn how to take care of your own kid." I said walking into the kitchen to find something for Macey to eat. "Don't worry angel, Uncle Cal can take care of you." I said finding some baby food hidden in the pantry.

Of course she wouldn't eat it, so I had to go upstairs and search in my room until I found a couple dollars. When I came back down, my siblings had made a mess in the kitchen, and Macey covered herself in baby food. "For fucks sake, can you guys sit down!" I said cleaning up the baby's mess.

"Cal, when is mommy coming home." My baby sister Mason asked me. "She won't be coming home until later, and you know that Mason." She was only 6, but she was a lot smarter than Jazmine that's for sure. "Calum were hungry." My brother Luca said. "You know how to cook, so make a damn sandwich. I'm going to get baby food."

"What about us bubby?" Our youngest sister Annabelle asked me. "I don't have that much money, but I'll see what I can do okay bug?" I said making her smile. "Okay." My family was big. 8 kids and 3 grandkids. There's my older sister Mali, in Europe, with her husband Ben, and their 2 kids. Then there's me, and Jazmine, who was stupid and got herself pregnant by a senior when she was a freshman, which is why we moved here to Boca.

My brother Luca, who's 14, the twins Grayson and Jason, who are 9, my 6 year old sister Mason, and our baby sister Annabelle, who's 4. Our mom works in factory during the day, and the hospital at night. I'm the man of the house, since Annabelle's father left our mom for a porn star.

With money my mom has saved up, with help from our Nana, we moved all the way from Sydney, Australia to Boca Raton, Florida, into a nice size house. All the girls share a room, and the boys share a room, and I sleep in the basement, which I renovated for myself. There's only 1 car, so I walk to school and to work, and right now, the store.

We moved here for several reasons. My mom, failed at every relationship, with all of our fathers. Me, Mali and Jazmine are the only ones who have the same dad, and he was probably the only one who stayed awhile, and didn't do us wrong. We practically moved all around Sydney because Jazmine kept getting in trouble, flunking, and then last year, she fucked around so much she got knocked up by a senior.

Macey is only 6 months old, and it's either me or my mum who takes care of her, because Jazmine is careless. I made it to the store and bought a frozen pizza and fries for my siblings, and formula for Macey, and made back home in about 30 minutes. The baby was crying, and so was Annabelle, because she hit her foot, and was bleeding, and Jazmine was sleep.

I grabbed a cup of water and poured it on her face, waking her up. "What the fuck Calum-"
"Get off your lazy ass and take care of your fucking kid, she's hungry, and you haven't done anything to fix that problem. The house is a mess, and all you do is sleep all day as if you work a 12 hour shift like mum."

"I am a mum, and I get tired-"

"Of what? Taking care of her for what, an hour?"

"Leave me alone Calum." She said walking away, until I forcefully grabbed her and yanked her back.
"You're not going anywhere, make a damn bottle, and then make the kids some food and start cleaning." I said picking up Annabelle.

I set her on the bathroom sink, and grabbed the first aid kid, and cleaned her up. "You feel better Bella?"
"A wittle." She said wiping her eyes. "Come on know, what did I say about crying? Big girls don't cry."
"Okay bubby." She said making me smile. I wrapped a band aid on her foot and kissed it, then kissed her cheeks until she giggled and tried to push me away.

"See, all better." I said picking her up. "I wove you bubby." She said. "I wove you too bug." When we went downstairs, Jazmine wasn't there, and the kids were all whining. "Cal, were hungry." Grayson said.
"I got it." I said. I popped the pizza and fries in the oven, and we all cleaned up downstairs.

I noticed the baby monitor was off, so when I turned it on, Macey's loud baby cries came through. I ran upstairs and saw her in her crib, and the window open. Jazmine snuck out. "Unbelievable." I mumbled picking up Macey.

I made her a bottle and fed her, which calmed her down, and thankfully Luca fixed plates of pizza and fries while I attended to the baby. "Your mummy is gonna be in a lot of trouble when she gets home." I said to her, making her giggle. When Macey finally went to sleep, I put her in the crib downstairs and helped get all my younger siblings in bed. "Night Cal." All my brothers said.

"Night guys." My favorite part of the night was tucking all my sisters in. I want to be the one the look up to, since Mali isn't here, and Jazmine is a fuckup.

"Goodnight Cally." Mason said kissing my cheek.

"Night Mason. Where's Annabelle?" I heard giggling from the hallway, and I smirked as I went out there and saw her run into my mum's room. "I wonder where my little bug ran off to." I said opening the door, to her squealing and covering herself in my mum's blankets. "Gotcha, you little trickster." I said tickling her. I carried her to the girls room, and tucked her in, and gave her her favorite stuffed animal.

"Don't go bubby." She whined. "Its time for bed bug. I'll be back up to check on you later, but I have to take care of Macey." I said as she pouted. "You awways take care of Macey."

"She's the baby."

"I baby too."

"I thought you were a big girl?"

"No, I baby." She said making me sigh. I ended up taking her with me downstairs as I took care of Macey. I rocked both girls to sleep, and then re-tucked Annabelle back into bed upstairs and tucked Macey in as well. It was around midnight then, so know it was time for me to do my homework.

As I was finishing up, it was going on 2 am, and my mum finally made it back, with Jazmine attached to her. "Get upstairs young lady." My mum said making Jazmine sigh, and I just glared at her. "I don't know what you're gonna do with her." I said making my mum smile.

"She's getting out of control, and she can't even take care of herself, let alone a baby." I said. "Nice to see you too son." She said laying down on the couch after kicking her shoes off. I covered her up with a blanket and pecked her forehead. "What did I do to deserve a son like you?"

"I don't know mum. . . I don't know." I said smirking, which made her roll her eyes. "Did you have a good day at school?"

"You could say that." I said thinking about Ariana again.

"You met a girl didn't you?"

"How'd you know?"

"I know that face. I've seen it too many times from Mali when she talks about Ben."

"Yeah well, it's not like that. She's got a boyfriend."

"Relationships aren't always forever Cal. Don't worry, she'll be yours."

"I wouldn't say all that. I just think she's cute."

"Really Calum, this again?"

"What? I'm not interested in a relationship, you know that."

"But playing with girls hearts the way you do, that's not okay." I just rolled my eyes and went downstairs to my room and went to sleep.

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