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"I have to go to study Cal." I said as Calum kept kissing my neck. "This is the only time I get to spend with you, I'm gonna make it last as long as I can." He said making me giggle. It had been a few days since us telling one another how we feel, sort of. Calum was still a little iffy about it.

That's why, we're here. In an old classroom, during study period, making out. "Why do we have to be in here? It's dark and dirty, and a little creepy Calum." I said crossing my arms. "Don't you want to be in private? This place isn't so bad, I've seen worse."

"Yeah I do, but does it have to be here?"

"I know it's not the best, but it's what we've got." He said. I sighed before I got down from the desk and fixed myself. "Hey," he pulled me into his chest and kissed me sweetly, "It's not going to be like this forever."


"I promise." I pecked his lips once more before going to study period in the library. "Hey Slut." Max said.
"I'm not a slut Max, know get out of my way." I said, but she pulled me into the bathroom. "Then why are you and Calum sneaking around?"
"Because, my parents can't know about us and we don't want everyone to know. People are still talking about what Jack did to me."

"That's a bullshit lie. I know you better than you even know yourself. You want him to smother you in affection in front of everyone and it's killing you that he won't do that."

"So what? At least we're together."

"Really? Then whose the girl that he hasn't broken up with?" She said. "You do know she's first priority right? He'll make sure everything is perfect for her and he will hardly pay you any attention." Max left and i quickly ran into a stall to cry.

She was right. . . I'm not the first priority. Or the second or third. When I was done, study period was over, and it was lunch time. When I walked to my locker, Jade was there, with Calum. They were making out against his locker, and I had to keep it together.

"Come on, skip for the rest of the day, I can't stand being there with those boys and your sister baby." She said. "I have a presentation with Ariana today, I can't miss that."

"What if we called in and said you went home sick? Besides, Ariana's a big girl, she can handle it by herself. Isn't that right Ariana?"

"Yeah." I mumbled. "See. I'll go tell them I'm here to take you home." She pecked his lips before walking to the office with all the boys looking at her.
"Are you sure you can present that all by yourself? I'll stay if you need help."

"Do you have to go with her?" I said as he stroked my arm. "It's only a little while longer. Then it can be me and you, okay?"

"How long, is a little while longer Calum?"

"All set. Let's go babe." She said practically dragging him out of the building.


When I got home that day, I went to my room and showered. It was such a long day after Calum left. We got a B- on our presentation because he wasn't there, my teachers were being complete jerks to me, the last cheerleading meeting was awful, and I had to walk halfway home because Isaiah was late.

But worst of all, the one person I wanted to be with, to make me feel better, was off who knows where doing who knows what with another girl. I started to cry a little. It just sucks that this has to be my life. Everything was fine up until this year. Good Grades, Amazing Boyfriend, everything was perfect until Calum came in my life.

He's the reason everything is so much harder know and he won't even sit down and actually tell me how he feels about me and if he even wants a relationship. I stepped out of the shower and put on come comfy clothes and shoes, put my wet hair in a bun and drove to Calum's house.

I knocked on the door and Ashton answered. "Is Calum here?"

"Downstairs. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just need to talk to him about school stuff." I walked downstairs and opened the door, but stopped once I heard him talking. "You're my best friend. The person I can come to for anything. You're more than that, I can't even put into words how you make me feel. I never thought I'd see you again, and that honestly broke my heart. We've been through hell and back, multiple times together. We have a bond that can never be broken. I love you Jade, I always will. . ."

I shut the door back, as tears fell down my face. I ran back upstairs, outside, into my car and drove home.
I've never felt so humiliated in my entire life. I can't even imagine what he's gonna say to me tomorrow to make me hurt even worse.

I didn't eat that night, and my dad believed that I was sick, so I didn't go to church either. I just stayed in bed, and cried until there were no more tears.

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