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"I have to go to work babe." Calum said as we made out at our lockers. It was the first time we'd ever really been public with us and although many students gave us dirty looks, for once in my life I could care less about they thought of me. "Can i come see you on your break?"
"I don't usually take breaks. The more I get done, the more money I get in my paycheck." He said grabbing his bag. "Well can I come see you later?"

"I won't be home till midnight."

"Will you come see me?" I said biting my lip. "I already told you that's not gonna happen." He said kissing my forehead. "But why? I want it to happen and you want it too." I whined, crossing my arms over my chest. "I want it to be a surprise." He said as we walked to my car.
"What if I could persuade you? I'll wear my cheerleading uniform."

"I'd rather fuck you senseless in that baby girl." He whispered in my ear. "But not yet. Not till I make love to you." He kissed me softly, before kissing my forehead and walking to work. As I got in my car, and was about to shut the door, someone stopped me. It was Jack.
"What do you want?"

"I miss you."

"Well I don't miss you." He pulled me out of the car, and his grip was so strong that it hurt. "Why are you with him? He doesn't care about you, your values, your dreams, he doesn't love you like I do." Jack said. "He does love me, and I love him."

"It's only been 3 months, and you weren't even together for 2 of them." He said. "It doesn't matter. I know we're gonna be together forever. Graduate, go to college, get married and have kids, I want that with him, and he wants that with me. I'm giving myself to him." I said.

"You're supposed to wait until marriage." He said sternly.

"Well you obviously didn't and know you've got a baby on the way."

"Ariana he's using you. Why can't you see that?"

"He's not using me, now let me go Jack." I finally got out of his grasp and drove home. As I drove away, I saw him through my mirror, and since my window was still down I heard him yell, "you'll regret this".

It was a long and boring night. My parents were at church and I pulled the period card over on them and they let me stay home. I waited for a text, or a call from Calum for hours, but instead I got a visit. "I missed you." I said jumping into his arms and stealing a kiss. "You saw me a couple hours ago."

"Doesn't matter." I connected our lips, softly moaning into it. He slowly made it to my bed and our kiss intensified. We started making out, which led to my clothes getting thrown off. "Can we do it again?" I asked softly. "Of course angel." He gazed my body up and down, biting his lower lip, until he saw my arm. "What the hell happened?"

"It's nothing baby-"

"Did your dad do this?"

"No. Jack, came to my car after you left and he grabbed me and it hurt a little-"

"A little? This bruise is enormous Ariana. I'll kill that son of a bitch." He said getting up. "No. Please, I want you to stay." I said. I pressed my small figure against him, and he sighed. "I don't anyone to hurt you." He said. "Then stay with me...please?" When our lips touched, it felt like I was falling I love with him all over again. He carried me back to my bed and set me down gently.

He removed his shirt and kissed all over his chest. "I love you." He whispered. I pecked his lips softly, and he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. "I love you more."
"Are you sure you want this?" He said. "I've never been more sure of anything." I unbuckled his pants as he kissed my neck. He kicked his pants off and slowly pulled down his underwear. My eyes went wide at the sight, and he just laughed.

"Don't laugh at me." I said making him smile. We got into bed and under the covers. Him holding my in his arms, my small frame against his, his skin keeping me even warmer, our tongues colliding, I never knew how amazing these feelings could be until Calum. He kissed down my neck, to my chest, making sure to leave a trail of hickies, but I didn't mind. I wanted people to know that I was his. He pulled away and reached over to his Jean pocket and pulled out a condom. I watched as he slowly opened it and slid in on him, and he then connected our lips. This was it, i was gonna lose my virginity to the man I loved.

"Ariana, have you seen my, oh my god!" We pulled apart and my older brother Isaiah was there with his jaw dropped. "Shit." Calum said quickly gathering his things.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Isaiah said grabbing me and pulling me out of the room. I quickly let go and grabbed Calum's arm before he could climb down.

"Just give me 5 minutes please?"

"Ariana, he could tell your dad-"

"He won't, I promise. Please stay?" I gave him my best puppy dog face and groaned before walking back inside.
"Taking advantage of my sister while she's going through a breakup?" Isaiah asked. "That breakup was a month ago and to be fair, he slept with my little sister and got her pregnant."

"Is that what you were planning on doing?"

"I was till you rudely interrupted us."

Isaiah was about to punch him but I stood in front of Calum so he wouldn't. "Isaiah it's not like that. He loves me, and I love him." I said catching my brother off surprise. "You're too young to be mother, and he's too irresponsible to be a father."

"He wasn't going to get me pregnant you idiot." I said grabbing him back and pulling him outside. "Then what were you gonna do?"

"He was gonna make love to me." I said softly. My brothers eyes widened at me. "Ariana...are you sure? I mean, I won't judge you if you don't wait, because me and Maggie didn't, but are you sure with him?"

"Yes, Isaiah I'm sure. He makes me feel like...like I don't have to be the perfect little christian girl everyone wants me to be. Isaiah please don't tell Dad." I begged. "I won't...but please be careful okay? Don't get to caught up in this...high school love never lasts and you have a bright future ahead of you. Don't let him ruin that."

"I won't, I promise." I hugged my brother and when I went back in, Calum was standing by the door.
"I should probably go." He said. "No please, my brother said he wouldn't say anything-"

"Ariana... I want to try and have a real relationship with you. One where we go on dates, and talk to each other on the phone all night long, give each other stupid little gifts...and then, after a while of this, I do some big romantic cliche gesture and we make love. We could've gotten caught and everything could have been ruined tonight and I don't want that. I want to take things slow with you." He said.

"Okay." I said. He cupped my chin so my head titled up at him and kissed me. "I love you." I said. "I love you too. I'll see you at school tomorrow." He kissed me once more before leaving and got into bed and forced myself to fall asleep.

sorry it's hella short, im going through stuff right now and im very uninspired

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