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When Jade and I left, I honestly felt like such a jerk. I knew Ariana wanted me to stay, but she we couldn't risk Jade finding out about us. "So, what do you wanna do? I was thinking, you could show me around a little since I've been locked away in your bedroom for 2 weeks." She said kissing my neck as I drove.

"Not really much to show. I don't really go anywhere." I said. "Well then lets go somewhere. Just the two of us. Somewhere quiet and nice."
I drove us to this little park in my neighborhood and we sat on the bench by the little river.

"So, what's going on between you and you're little girlfriend?" She asked. "What are you talking about?"

"Please, you don't think I've caught on already. I'm not a fucking idiot Calum, I know you two have some sort of new version of a failed fling." She said.
"We're just friends Jade. Didn't expect for you to be the jealous type."

"I'm not jealous of her."

"Clearly you are or else you wouldn't have brought it up. I thought you wanted to talk about us?"
"Fine, let's talk about us. I'm pregnant." My eyes grew wide and my jaw dropped. "You've got to be kidding me."

"I'm not. But don't worry. . . It's not yours."

"It's not. Then who's is it?"

"My ex-boyfriends. I'm 2 months, and he doesn't know. Know one besides you and the guys." I sighed before kicking a rock and running my fingers through my hair.

"What are you gonna do? Kill another one." I mumbled the last part but she heard me anyway.
"First of all, we said we'd never talk about that Calum, and secondly. . . I plan on keeping it."

"What made you want to keep it?"

"My parents are practically disowning me soon, and not just because I'm almost done with high school. I have no one in Sydney and I know once the guys graduate their gonna be leaving, and you've already left."

"That's your excuse? Because you're gonna be alone? Do you know how hard it is to take care of a kid, let alone do it with no one helping you. You're better off giving it up for adoption if you don't kill it." I said lighting a cigarette. "You're really not gonna let it go are you?"

"Let what go?"

"Saskia? Calum I did what I had to do-"

"No, you did it so you could go back to being a careless bitch. She was my daughter, and you just gave her away without even speaking to me about it."
"She's fine Calum. She's in a good place, being raised my a wonderful family. What could you have done? Especially know since you live halfway across the world?"

"I would've done something other than handing her off to strangers. At least I would've done something to try and be a parent. Not getting an abortion at 14 and giving a baby away at 16."

"God you're such a dick." She said walking away. I felt bad, but it was the truth, and someone needed to tell her. I got in the car and drove around until I found her sitting on the steps at home smoking.
"Smoking is bad for the baby." I said making her roll her eyes.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought that shit up."

"You're right. I have been a bad person, and I'm an even worse "parent". But I want to try Calum. I want to be a mum. I've already applied to get some help for single mums and I have an apartment and health insurance. I'm getting there, I'm really trying." She said stomping her cigarette out. We went downstairs and sat on my bed, just holding each other for a good hour before I made her some food.

"I was thinking. . . After you graduate, you could come back to Sydney and stay with us. I'm not asking you to be a dad but, I mean it when I say I miss you. . . and I miss us." She said kissing me. I pulled away and sighed before holding her hand.

"Jade. . . I can't do that."

"Why? It's because of her isn't it?" I shook my head yes and she pulled away from me with tears in her face. "I love you Calum. I've always loved you, and she will never love you like I do. She'll never be able to even understand you like I do."

"She's trying to."

"What if we could get Saskia back? We could be a family Calum. Haven't you ever thought about that? Having our baby girl again." She said resting her head on my shoulder. "I do miss her. . . But I'm not gonna tear her away from her family like that. Jade, You're my best friend. The person I can come to for anything. You're more than that, I can't even put into words how you make me feel. I never thought I'd see you again, and that honestly broke my heart. We've been through hell and back, multiple times together. We have a bond that can never be broken. I love you Jade, I always will. . . But Ariana is here. My family is here. My niece and possibly another niece or nephew is here. I can't leave them, I'm sorry."

"Fine. But she will break your heart. The love you think you have with her, is bullshit, and it will never be like ours. She'll ruin you and break you into a thousand pieces, and I'm not gonna fix it."

"If that's how you feel, then so be it. I'm in love with her Jade, and she's the one for me."

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