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"So, how have things been with Luke?" I asked Ashton. We purposely left Calum so we could go get some food and talk. "It's been great. Yesterday we almost kissed." He said. "Awe, that's so cute."
"So what about you and Calum?"

"He says he wants things to go back to the way they used to be but. . . He just wanted to have sex with me then. I don't know if he actually cares for me like he says he does."

"Okay, so now we need to go into phase two. We have to flirt with them a little bit." He said. "Flirt? I'm not good with flirting." I said as my cheeks got red. "Trust me, you know how to flirt. You just need to get him all over you, without actually letting him get to you."

"Do you think this will actually work?"

"Only one way to find out."


We pulled up at Calum's house, and he was just making it back home. "Thanks for waiting for me Ashton." He said. "Sorry mate, won't happen again." He winked at me before going inside. "Calum, can I talk to you for a second?" I said. He sighed before turning around and walking towards me.


"I just. . . I'm really sorry I was being so rude you earlier," I said walking towards him biting my lower lip, "I've just been so stressed out lately and I know you just wanted to help me." I grabbed his hand and entwined our fingers.

"I-It's fine. No w-worries."

"No, it's not fine. You were just trying to make sure I was okay and, I wouldn't let you." I wrapped my arms around his neck, and pushed my body against his. "Uh, r-really its f-fine."

"Are you sure?"


"Good, because i don't like you being mad at me." I said barely touching his lips. I walked inside and winked at Ashton as he was talking to Luke on the couch, and went to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Getting some water."

"I meant with Calum. He's mine and we both know that?"


"Okay?" She said as I sat down. "Yeah. If you think Calum still wants to be with you then go for it. But we both know he likes me. Now if you'll excuse me, we have a project to finish." I said pulling out all my stuff.

"Hey, sorry it took me so long, I was helping Jazmine." Before I could say anything, Jade kissed him. She was practically stuffing her tongue down his throat, and he didn't like it. She pulled away and smirked and he just wiped his mouth in disgust.

As we went over our presentation, I made sure I stuck to the plan of flirting, which was going pretty well because I could see Calum's pants get tighter around his penis. "So, I think we're pretty good with our presentation for tomorrow."

"Me too. We make a pretty good team you and me." I said holding his hand. "Y-Yeah, we do. Uh, so, what's the deal with you and Ashton?" He asked me.
"What do you mean?"

"Are you two still together? Or broken up, because, just within the past two hours, you've been flirting with me, a lot."

"I don't think I'd call it flirting. We're friends Calum, that's all it is." I said as I placed his hand closer to my skirt. "Friends?" He repeated as i scooted closer so that his hand was near my panties. "Unless, you want to be more than friends?"

"I uh. . . I-I don't think that would be a good idea."

"Why not? Don't you like me?" After feeling so confident, I felt tears spring into my eyes, as he pulled away from me and stood up. "I do, but. . . As a friend. We're better off as friends."

"I should've known you'd never change." I said stuffing everything into my backpack. "Change what?"

"How you feel about me. God Calum, all I've been trying to do was make you jealous so you can finally tell me how you really feel."

"Make me jealous?"

"Is everything okay in here?" Ashton said. "No, everything is not okay. I'm sorry Ashton, but I can't do this anymore."

"What's wrong, what happened?"

"Okay, what the hell is going on?" Calum said. "We aren't really dating dumb ass. We wanted to make you jealous but you clearly can't obviously get your head out of your ass and see that someone like Ariana is good for you. You're trying to protect her when really, you need her but you're such a fucking wuss you can't see that."

Ashton stormed out of the house, with Luke following behind, leaving Calum and I in the kitchen.
"I'm sorry Ariana. I'm not trying to hurt you, I'm trying to-"

"Protect me. From what Calum? If I can handle the messed up family I'm in, then I can handle whatever it is you don't want me to know about you. I wanna be with you, why can't you just let me? I know I'll never be like Jade, but if you give me a chance, I promise-"

Before I could finish, he kissed me. His hands on either side of my face, as my hands made their way to his curly hair. His tongue slipped into my mouth, and mine in his as he pushed me against the fridge.
We pulled apart for a breath, and rested our foreheads against one another's.

"I don't want you, to be like Jade. I want you. The sweet, beautiful, innocent little Christian girl, who isn't afraid to speak her mind." He said making me blush.

"I want you too."

"I just need some time, especially with Jade here, but I promise, once she's gone, it'll be you and me princess."


"I promise."

(sorry this is so short but i don't know what else to add to this chapter and i know how much you guys like it when i update a lot since i take forever with writing these chapters. make sure you comment and vote and please check out some of my other stories. love y'all)

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