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School was finally out for winter break, and that meant getting to spend more and more time with Ariana. We were currently alone at her house, in her room, in her bed. Making out of course. I was just about to get us into position when she stopped and smiled at me.
"I wanna try something."

"You're ruining the mood, I hope you know that." I said. She rolled her eyes and straddled my lap. "You're gonna enjoy it." As the kids deepens, she slowly pulls away, causing me to moan in agony. She got on her knees in front of me. I watched as she teasingly unbuckled and unzipped my pants. "You sure you want to? You know you don't to do this."

"I want too as long as you want to. I've been practicing." She said in her sweet sexy soft voice. She pulled my pants and boxers to my ankles and kissed my thighs. "No one likes a tease baby girl."

"Yes daddy." She mumbled against my skin. She wrapped her hand around my shaft, and licked my tip. "Fuck." I said as she looked up at me with the most innocent look on her face. She slowly licked up and around my cock, and then proceeded to grab my balls and massage them with the other hand. "Am I doing it right daddy?" She asked as she then took me in her mouth.

"Such a good job baby. Fuck, suck daddy just like that." I groaned as I watched her. Never have I ever been so ready to release from a blow job. It was the best sensation I've ever experienced, and to experience it with the love of my life, made it even better.

As she took me all in, I could feel myself hitting the back of her throat, causing her to gag, and saliva falling from her mouth onto her chest. I felt myself ready to release, as she bobbed her head up and down, I grabbed her hair in my hand and fucked her mouth. She moaned onto me, causing me the moan and swear even louder.

"Fuck baby I'm coming." I moaned louder as I released into her mouth, and watched some of my load fall onto her chest. She just giggled and wiped her mouth as I panted out of breath. "So, on a scale of 1-10, how did I do?"

"Fuck a scale." I pulled her onto the bed and rolled her over so her ass was facing me. It's your turn to be rewarded baby girl." I lifted her skirt up, revealing her wetness and soaking panties. I pulled them down and slapped her ass, causing her to gasp.

"Calum that-"

I slapped it again, "What's my name?"

"Daddy." She moaned. "You liked getting spanked don't you angel?" I said doing it once more. She just moaned and tried to move to get some sort of friction. I got on my stomach and knees and licked her folds causing her to whine.

"So fucking sweet." I said as I got back up and licked my fingers. I rubbed them against her folds, before slowly inserting them. "Oh my god." She said as she gripped her sheets. "I can't wait till my dick is in your tight pussy baby."

I slowly pumped my fingers, giving her a little taste.
"M-More daddy." She moaned. I pulled her body up so her back was against my chest, and unclipped her bra with my free hand. As I put my free hand around her neck, my thumb made its way to her clit.

I tilted her head up and kissed her deeply. Our tongues colliding and moans back and forth from one another.
"Daddy I need more." I kissed her neck, and shoulders as I slowly inserted a third finger and began pumping faster. Her moans and whines getting louder and louder as she finally came all over herself, me and her bed sheets.

"You were so good baby." I said as we kissed. "I want you to make love to me know." She said. "Ariana Grande what on earth do you think you're doing." Her mom burst through the door, causing us to pull away and cover ourselves. "Momma, what are doing?"

"How can you betray your father and I's trust in you?" She said. "Momma, please, let me explain-"
"You're father is not going to be pleased when I tell him how you've disappointed us. You should be ashamed of yourself, doing sexual acts before you're even married. You're an even bigger slut than your sister."

"Don't you dare-"

"You better shut your mouth before I call the police and have you arrested. Get cleaned up and get ready for church. How dare you talk to me that way in my house. You're nothing but a hood rat anyway."

"Momma don't talk about him like that, I love him."

"You're stupid girl, you don't know anything about love. That's it, I'm calling your father and then the police to make sure you never set foot around my daughter ever again."

When she slammed the door, Ariana quickly put on my shirt and her panties and ran out to her mom. I sighed and punched the wall, thankfully not making a hole. I put on my clothes and waited by the window until she came back about 15 minutes later, but with tears in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry." She said as I pulled her into my chest. "It's not your fault. I've been in jail before, it's not that bad."
"No...that's not why I'm sorry." She said pulling away from me. "My mom said she wouldn't tell my dad, or call the cops...if I stopped seeing you." She said sobbing uncontrollably.

"Don't listen to her, she's crazy. You can come live with me and we can be together and happy." I said trying to grab her, but she wouldn't let me. "No, you don't understand, they're paying my full ride to college and Med-School. Without them I don't have a future."

"What about us? What about our future? Isn't that what you wanted? Isn't that why you want me to go to that stupid preppy school with you? So we can be together in the future?"

"I'm sorry Calum...but I can't be with you anymore."

She took my hand and looked me in the eye and winked before opening her bedroom door. "You need to leave."
I walked out the door and she immediately shut it and closed the curtains.

I opened my fist and there was a tiny piece of paper folded up, with a note on it that read

I only said this to get her to believe me

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