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I woke up around 2 am and took a hot shower in silence. I was at a loss for words. I thought that for once in my life, the one thing I got to have on my own, I didn't have to worry about anyone taking it from me, or losing it. But it was too good to be true. I got out and wrapped my hair up and put on an oversized T-shirt. I went out to my bed, and of course, Calum was waiting for me.

"I missed you." He said walking towards me, but I pushed him away. "Yeah right. Don't you have somewhere to be?" I sat at my vanity and and tried to stay strong as I did my nightly skin care routine with him watching me. "I do. I need to be here," he said turning my chair around and grabbing my hand, "with you." I pulled away and got up and opened the door to my balcony. "I think you should go." I said softly. "Why? I came all this way-"

"I heard what you said to Jade. About how you love her, and you were so heartbroken that you'd never see her again. She's here now, so why don't you just go back home and be with the love of your life and leave me alone." I said as tears stung my cheeks.
He just smirked before shutting the door, and walking towards me so my back was against the wall.
"I did say that. But then I also said that I didn't want her...because I'm in love with you."

He wiped my cheeks and brought my hand to his lips. "You're in l-love with m-me?" My body felt weak as he kissed each of my fingertips. "Yes. I want you. Every last inch of you." His hand traveled down to my thigh, and slowly up my leg, until it was under the shirt. He went to my bare waist, his fingers getting closer and closer to my center.

"P-Please." I begged. "You sure you want this?" He said as his lips lingered on my forehead. A little whimpering moan escaped my lips, making him chuckle. He cupped my chin, and his lips lightly touched mine. I whined again. He slowly made his way to the bed, and sat on the edge. "Show me how bad you want me baby."

I walked over and sat on his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissed him. He unwrapped the towel from my hair and it fell onto my shoulders, his hands gripping it gently, as mine made their way into his. He held back, which is exactly what I didn't want. "Calum please..." I whined as I felt a tingling sensation in my heat.

"What do you want princess?"

"I w-want you."

I didn't know what was happening because Jack never made me feel this way, but he looked down as his pants and there was a wet spot from me. "You've been a bad girl princess....ignoring me texts and calls?"

"Cal please." I was practically sounding like a child, which he was enjoying. "I love it when you beg." He said unbuckling his pants and pulling them down. I saw his bulge which was peeking out from his boxers. He set me on his thigh, and kissed me with much more force. "I want this...I really, really wants this."

"I know you do...but not until you're ready."

"But I am-"

"Baby, you haven't done anything remotely even close to this. Sex isn't like in the movies. So, I'm gonna prep you" his hands on my waist, moving me back and forth on his thigh, which felt so good,
"First, you're gonna fuck my thigh, get it nice and wet with your sweet little pussy juices," a high pitched squeal came out, "then, I'm gonna eat you out, your hands tied up, legs tied up, blindfold on, and my tongue sucking on your clit," I was bouncing up and down on his thigh, biting my lip trying refrain from being super loud, "then, I'm gonna finger you, and play with your little clit, and listen to you whimper and whine for me to add in more fingers," I was barely hanging on as I was now grinding on him, a few tears falling down my cheeks, but the feeling is so remarkable, I can't even explain it, and all he's doing is talking dirty to me, "then," he stopped me, and i put my face in the crook of his neck and whimpered like crazy, and gripped onto him for dear life, "I'm gonna make love to you. Roses, and candles...a nice fancy dinner, some wine, under the moonlight...stars down on you. Then I'm gonna fuck you," he bounced me up and down, moved me back and forth as I moaned and whined and squealed at the glorious feeling, "pound my dick into your tight little pussy, having you screaming so loud they'll hear us in L.A., fucking you so hard the bed breaks. God, can't wait to fuck you doggy style, pulling your hair back, watching you arch your fucking back, next thing you know you'll be calling me daddy, until you cum."

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