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Where do I even begin. These past 2 weeks have been brutal. I miss her so fucking much it hurts. I haven't gone to school, just working all day and drinking all night, but it's not making me feel any better, just angry. I've punched multiple holes in the wall, giving me scares all over my swollen and bruised knuckles. She's been calling and texting me everyday, but I can't seem to find the words. I want her back, I truly do.

I was forced to take off work today, so I slept in till 12, and when I finally got up, my mum was waiting for me. "The last thing I want is a lecture right now." I mumbled. "I'm not here to lecture you. I'm here to tell you that you need to get up so I clean this god awful room." I rolled my eyes and got out of bed and went upstairs and made myself some breakfast, but as soon as I sat down I lost my appetite. I grabbed my phone to look at the long strain of messages left on my phone, all from Ariana. "Fuck." I mumbled as tears fell down my cheeks.

I threw my phone out of anger, and it smashed into pieces against the wall. "I'm not buying you another one." My mum said coming back upstairs with my laundry. I just groaned, put on my jacket and went for a walk, but when I opened the door, Isaiah, Ariana's older brother was there.

"What do you-" He punched me in the face before I could even finish my sentence. "That's for leaving her." He kicked me in the stomach, causing me to fall to the floor.
"That's for her constant tears everyday for the past two weeks." He kicked me in the face, causing a busted lip and bloody nose. "That's for not answering her calls and texts. He picked me up and punched me in the face again, causing a black eye. "She needed you, you selfish piece of shit. You took advantage of her, just like I knew that you would."

"It's not like that."

"Oh that's exactly what it's like you asshole." I tried to go for me again but I grabbed his arm and pinned him against the wall. "I love her. I did this for her, she deserves better than me, I know that. I would do anything for her." I let him go and he'd calmed down from his rage. "All she wants is you. Every time I go over there, she is crying her eyes out, over you. So you have two choices. Either you come with me and fix it, or you can leave town."

"I'm not-"

"My dad is going to jail and loosing a good chunk of all of his money which is going to go to all of us. Maggie and I agreed to give you $500,000 from both of our halves, giving you and your family enough money to get the hell out of here. But know that if you, and ever come back, I will kill you myself if you even think of going near Ariana. So what's it gonna be? Her, or your family?"

To put things in the broadest terms...I am a wreck. After Calum left the hospital I've done nothing but cry. All day and all night. It's been a 2 weeks and I haven't gotten a single call or text back from him. Maggie had to leave for school so, she can't help me and Isaiah comes by every day but, the only person I want to see is him. He's all I care about and it kills me that I can't be with him.
"Ari, can I come in sweetheart?" My Nonna said. I got out of bed and opened the door and she had a bowl of soup and juice for me.

"Thanks Nonna." I said in between cries. "Sweetheart, why are you beating yourself up over this boy?"
"Because I love him Nonna. He thinks all of this is his fault, but it isn't. I just want to see him." I said wiping my eyes. "If he really loves you, he'll find his way back to you. They always do sweetheart." She kisses my forehead and left and continued to cry for the next hour until all my tears were dried up.

"She's not wrong you know." I looked up to see Calum, standing in the doorway, with a bruised face as bad as mine was when I first left the hospital. "Calum..." I jumped out of bed and ran into his arms and kissed him.
He shut the door with a free hand, proceeded to pick me up and carry me back to bed. "I missed you so much."
"I missed you more." I said. "I'm so sorry Ariana. For everything, I just... I don't know what I was thinking. Everything everyone has said about me is right, I'm not good for you."

"I don't care what they think. You're perfect for me. In every way possible. What happened to you?"
"You're brother talked some sense into me." He said. "He certainly has a way with words...and fists." He said making me laugh. "Can you forgive me?"
"Of course I can. All I want is to be with you." I kissed his gently, and he winced from the pain. "Sorry." I mumbled against his lips. "I love you so much."
"I love you too."

He pressed his lips to my forehead, and fell into his arms.
"Did you ever open your gift?" He said as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "No, I totally forgot about that." I went into my bag, and pulled out the little box.
I opened it up and there was a ring in it with two dates.
"The day we met, and the day I told you I loved you. The two best days of my life."

I slid the ring on my ring finger, and it was a perfect fit.
"I'm never taking it off." I said as I kissed him once more. As our kiss deepened, I pulled him towards the top of the bed, where the pillows were. "Your brother and grandparents are here." He said in between kisses. "I don't care. I want you."

He pulled away and pulled his shirt off, and there was a big bruise on his chest. "My brother?" I said as I tried to hide my smile. "He definitely let me have it. But I'm glad he did. I don't think I would've been able to get myself over here If he didn't beat it out of me." We didn't waste anymore time getting undressed and getting under the covers.

"Don't worry, I have a condom this time." He said in between kisses. I just giggled, as I connected our lips once more. It wasn't like our first time. It was passionate of course but, so many more emotions were running through our bodies. Tears were shed, I love you's left and right, moans loud and quiet, and we went a lot longer.

When we were done, we just cuddled with one another in bed, sharing kisses and more I love you's. "We should probably make an appearance downstairs before one of them come up here." He suggested. "But i'm so comfortable." I whined as he chuckled and kissed my forehead.

"Well, I guess we could go downstairs if we can go outside?" He gave me a puzzled look but I just giggled and put on my clothes. He slowly but surely got up and came with me downstairs. "Close your eyes." I said giggling. He groaned and obliged, as I walked him outside to the back of my grandparents house to their garage.


"I guess."

"Open your eyes."

I'd gotten him an all black 2018 dodge charger. "Who's car is this?" He asked as I threw him the keys. "It's yours silly." His jaw dropped wide and I couldn't help but smile and feel like such an accomplished girlfriend.
"I can't accept this Ariana."

"Yes you can. If you're gonna be here, and help out your mom and sister, you're gonna need a reliable source of transportation. Plus you can't walk forever babe. I'm not taking it back, and if you reject this, my heart will shatter and forever be broken." He just rolled his eyes and kissed my forehead.

"Thank you. No one has ever done something this special for me before." He said. "Well there's a lot more where that came from buddy."

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