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After Ariana left, I stormed inside and grabbed Ashton by the collar of his shirt and pinned him against the wall. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I said. "She isn't your girlfriend Calum so what are you so mad for? Because I'm gonna treat her better than you?"

"You better watch your fucking mouth Irwin-"

"And you better watch yours Calum. Ashton is right, you hurt her. Then got back together with the most-"
"Watch what you say in front of your babies Joy." Jade said.

"Mum, how can you side with him?"

"Because I know that you didn't want anything to do with her. If you really want her, then fight for her, and leave this trash," she said pointing to Jade, "On the curb where it belongs. Clean up this mess, I have to get ready for work."


I sat outside on the front porch, smoking a cigarette for probably the 3rd time in 5 minutes, which even I know is really bad for me. "Well, someone looks depressed." I turned and saw Jade walking outside and sit next to me.

"Not now Jade."

"Why? Because that bitch chose Ashton over you?"

"She's not a bitch, and don't ever call her that." I said throwing my cigarette out. "What about her then? I thought you didn't want her?" She said. "Calum, don't be a fucking idiot. She's not gonna be good for you. She's gonna change you."

"Like you haven't." I said. "Don't act like you didn't like what we became together." She said trying to kiss me. "An asshole. . . A junkie. . . An alcoholic?"
"A man. I took a scared little boy and turned him into a man."

"You turned me into animal. I'm not the same boy I was back in Sydney. I've changed Jade. Maybe it's time you changed too." I said. Before I went in, she grabbed my arm, and slammed the door shut.
"I don't need to change. I'm fine just the way I am, and besides. . . You'll always love me this way."

I pulled away and went inside to see Ashton cleaning up. "Have you finished crying yet?" He teased.
"It's never gonna work. Especially after you leave. Yo really think you can make long distance work?"
"Yes I do. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go to sleep to get ready for church tomorrow. I'm also having lunch with Ariana's family tomorrow. Goodnight."

I glared as he went upstairs and crashed in my brothers room, and Jade came back in and kissed my neck. "You want me to make you feel better?" As much I didn't want to, I let her pull me downstairs and into my bedroom.

After we'd finished, she fell fast asleep, and I just sat on my bed. This isn't what I wanted to happen. I did, want to protect her from me, but I didn't want her to be with anyone else. Especially my best friend.
I don't even know if I want to be with her. . . I mean, part of me does but I can't. I'm not what she needs. I'm not what she can handle.

"You're thinking out loud Hood."

"No I'm not."

"Well you definitely are thinking about something. What's wrong?" Jade said kissing my back. "If you keeping thinking about that girl-"
"Her name, is Ariana, and she's not just some girl Jade." I said pulling myself away from her. "So what? You want to be with her?"

"I don't know. It's none of your business anyway."

"Yeah it is, considering every single night we end up fucking each other, or making love to one another. Come on Calum, we belong together and you know it." She said running her fingers through my hair as we both sighed. "There's a program at my school, to where I can study abroad. I can come study here, and we can be together. Then when I graduate, I'll move here permanently and things, can go back to the way they were with us." She said.

Thinking of a future with Jade, was something we talked about a lot. A nice house, 2 kids with a dog. The typical family lifestyle we dreamed of having.
"I don't know if I want that anymore." I moved away from her and went upstairs to sleep on the couch.


I stood outside the church waiting for Ashton, and he came bright and early. "Ariana, who are waiting for?" My mom asked me. "My friend Ashton, I invited him to church and lunch. He should-"
"Sorry I'm late, I couldn't find my tie. You must be Mrs. Grande, hi, I'm Ashton Irwin."

Ashton was dressed in khaki pants and a white button up shirt, with a black tie and dress shoes. I'll admit, he does look really cute. "It's very nice to meet you Ashton. Are you new around town?"
"I'm actually visiting a friend, so I'll be here for a few weeks. I hope you don't mind me joining you for lunch this afternoon."

"That would be lovely. Come on in, the service is about to start."

Ashton really surprised me during the whole service. He knew our hymn song we sing every morning, the Lord's Prayer, and he even volunteered to read the scriptures. When church was over, my dad immediately came over to where we were sitting.
"Excuse me son, what's your name?"

"Ashton Irwin sir, it's nice to meet you. I've heard so much about you. I hope you didn't mind me being a guest in your sermon today." He said. "You were a wonderful guest, are you busy this afternoon? I would love for you to join my family and i for lunch."

"I would love to." He said smiling at me. He and my dad actually got along really well, which surprised me. I didn't think he'd like anyone other than Jack.
"Ariana, why have you waited until now to introduce us to this amazing young man?"

"I just got into town a few days ago. I'm visiting my friend Calum Hood and his family." Right when he said that, my fathers whole expression changed.
"You're friends with that boy? How could you bring someone like that into my house young lady?" My father shouted.

"Sir, I'm nothing like my friend Calum-"

"Don't speak." My dad walked over to me and slapped me. I fell on the floor, hurting me knees.
"What have i told you about being around people like them? Why can't you just follow my directions?" He said grabbing me and pushing me against the wall.

Ashton came over and grabbed my and held me as I cried. "Sir, how could you-"
"Get out of my house! Now, and never come back." He yelled at him. "I'll walk you out." I said as we pushed past my dad. Calum was waiting outside for him, leaning against the car door. "Don't tell him what happened okay."

"Ariana, I have to-"

"Please Ashton. Don't tell anyone? Promise me you won't?" I asked. "Okay, I won't. I'm so sorry Ariana, I didn't mean-"

"What the hell did you do to her?" Calum said coming over to us. "He didn't do anything. Don't worry about me. I'll call you later." I said kissing Ashton's cheek, and pulling away from Calum.
He grabbed me back causing me to wince.
"I'm sorry okay. I'm really really sorry, but please don't shut me out. What happened?"

"I fell down okay. It's none of your business anyway, know leave me alone." I went back inside and went to my room, and cried.

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