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"In the flesh. God I've missed you Hood." She said running toward me and hugging me. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tightly. "Never thought I'd see you again." I mumbled into her hair.
"Come on Cal, you know I couldn't let you get away from me."

When we pulled away, she kissed me. I hadn't kissed her since she'd moved away from me before I left.
Her tongue made its way into my mouth, as I picked her up by her thighs and carried her downstairs to my room. As I opened the door, and we made our way to the bed, I felt her being pulled away from me.

"CALUM!" My best friends Michael, Luke and Ashton jumped on me. "What the fuck?" I said as I felt myself getting crushed. "Get off me you idiots." I said as I got up and they hugged me again. "We missed you mate." Michael said.

"Yeah, school isn't the same without you. I have no one to help me with pranks." Luke said making me laugh. "I lost my only wingman. These two idiots are no help." Ashton said. "How'd you all get here?"
"School got shut down for a while, so we thought we'd come to America for a little bit."

"I see you and Jade have already caught up." Ashton said. I could tell by his tone that he was judging me so hard, but I just brushed it off. "We'll let you two handle your business and sleep upstairs." He said as they all left my room. "So Calum, what's it like living in America? I'm dying to know how many girls you've got falling for you?"

"I actually don't have any girls. I go to this private school with a bunch of Christian kids, so I leave them alone." I knew if I told her about Ariana, she would try to do everything in her power to ruin what we don't have. "That just makes this a whole lot better." She said as she kissed me again.

"Don't you have a boyfriend?" I asked jokingly. "I don't and you know I don't." She said removing her jacket and tank top. "Well come on Hood. Or have those little Christian kids turned you soft?" I rolled my eyes and and pinned her down on my bed, causing her to glare at me.

"I think you forgot who you're dealing with." I kissed her back, deeply as I removed her bra with one hand. I kissed down her neck, sucking on her sweet spot, that always got her to fall into my trap. "Cal-"
"You know that's not my name in bed love." I pulled away and took off my shirt as she removed her pants to reveal her red pair of laced panties which she knew were my personal favorite.

"God I've missed this body." I said as I removed my bottoms. "Bigger than I remembered." She said in between kisses. I immediately pushed in two fingers and began finger fucking her. "Come on daddy, you know I can take it." She said impatiently.

"If you say so." I sucked the juices off my fingers and pushed myself into her soaking wet pussy. "Shit." She gasped as I held back a laugh. "Not funny."
"Well, whoever has been fucking you is no match for me."

As I picked up my rhythm I began pounding into her. "Fuck daddy that feels so good." Sex with Jade was always pleasure, never passionate. Except for our first time, but other than that, pure fuck. My bed was practically banging against the wall, as I hit harder and harder to her g-spot.

"Fuck baby you're so tight." I moaned as we soon came down from our high and came. I collapsed next to her, panting out of breath. "Good I've missed that. You always knew how I liked it." She said getting under the cover.

"I've really missed you Jade."

"I've really missed you too Cal." She kissed my cheek before laying her head on my chest, and both of us passing out.


The next morning, I was woken up by my little sister Annabelle jumping on my bed. "Wake up bubby, wake up." She said. "No, I just wanna sleep."
"Mummy is gone and I have no one to pay with." She said. I got up and threw a pillow at her, which made her giggle as I put on my boxers and grey sweats. Then I carried her upstairs and found Macey crying in her crib. "My two favorite girls." I said licking her up as well.

"2 out of 4?" I turned to see Jade in one of my tshirts and my phone in her hand. "Who's Ariana and why does she keep calling and texting you?"
"She's a friend."

"Really? Because it seems like she was more than a friend." I set the girls down and snatched my phone back. "Guess you haven't changed when it comes to girls."

"You don't know anything about her."

"Enlighten me then Calum. Who is she?"

"A friend."

"I hope so, because she's coming over here later. I told her you two wanted to talk face to face." Jade said grabbing a cup of coffee. "Why the fuck did you do that?"

"Bubby say bad word!"

"I wanted to meet her. What's wrong bubby, you don't want me to meet your wittle friend?" She said smirking. "I know you Jade. I know you're gonna try to fuck with her and if you do-"

"You won't do anything. I'm guessing since your avoiding her, you haven't told her anything about your past. I would love to tell her the truth about her little crush." Jade said. "You're such a bitch."
"I might be a bitch, but I'll always be your bitch." She said kissing me. Of course I kissed her back because she always had that effect on me.

I ended up pulling away with the boys came running inside and slamming the door. "What the heck happened?" I asked as they all practically fell out on the floor. "There's a really hot girl outside for you. We didn't know if she was telling the truth when she said she knew you."

"So you ran from her?"

"Well, we got excited. Plus we saw a big dog." Michael said. I pushed past them and opened the door and Ariana was there. "Hi. I didn't see you at school this morning."

"Yeah, I wasn't feeling well. Plus I have company." I said hoping Jade wouldn't pop in the middle of us.
"I got your text message. You wanted to talk?" She said with a smile on her face, that I knew I was gonna regret turning into a frown.

"I uh, didn't send you that message."

"Well then who did-"

"I did." Jade opened the door wider so Ariana would see her. I could tell she looked like she was about to cry and she was heartbroken all at once. "Hi, I'm Jade."

"H-hi." She squeaked. "I'll leave you two to talk. I'll be waiting for you downstairs." She said pecking my cheek. When she left and slammed my door shut, I was about to open my mouth, but Ariana turned and walked away from me. Sobbing.

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