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Calum was finally coming back to school today. After the last incident we had, I hadn't returned any of his texts or calls. While I was getting my books, as I closed my locker door, Calum was leaning against his locker. "So, you've been ignoring me?"
"No, I've been busy." I lied.

"Busy with what?"

"AP Classes, Extracurriculars, Church-"

"You've been avoiding me Ariana. I'm not an idiot." He said. I tried to walk past him but failed and he pushed me against my locker. "Let me go."
I said but his grip was too strong. "I will, once you tell me why you're ignoring me."

"Because. . . Because I can okay."

"Not okay. I missed you princess." He said twirling a piece of hair on his finger. "Okay but really," he said moving. "What's wrong? I called you and texted you everyday last week and you didn't answer. Even my mum and siblings wanted to see you again."


"Yes. So why did you ignore me?"

"It's just that. . . I was scared coming back after what happened the last time I was there." I said looking at my shoes. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I didn't know you wanted to wait."

"It's fine. I just want things to go back to how they were before." I said as he smirked at me. "Couldn't have said it better myself princess." He lightly kissed my lips, then kissed my cheek before walking to class.

"Well look at little miss Ari, dating a bad boy." Max said coming to stand next to me. "Why do you care?"
"Because you know I like him, and you just couldn't help yourself could you? It's always about you isn't it?"

"No it isn't Max, and I'm sorry if you're upset with me but I like him, and he likes me."

"Oh please, he just wants you for sex."

"He does not, he cares about me."

"Oh really? So how come he only kissed you when there was no one in the hallway? Or walked you to class? He doesn't give a single fuck about you, other than when and how he can get in your pants, and since you're such a tease to him, and celibate, he's gonna forget about you."

"Leave me alone." I said walking past her to get to class. "He won't be around forever."


We'd went to Calum's house after school, and we were sitting downstairs, making out on his couch.
"We have to do our homework." I said as we took a breath to breathe. "You ignored me for a whole week. I think a deserve to have you all to myself for a little bit longer don't you think?"

"I guess-" he cut me off by kissing me once more. As much as I liked him showing me attention, I couldn't just sit back and let this keep happening. "Do you like me?" I blurted out.


"I said, do you like me?"

"Of course I like you." He said trying to kiss me but I moved away from him. "Do you want to be with me?"

"Ariana where is this coming from?"

"Can you just answer the question?" I asked and sighed. "Isn't it obvious princess?" He said tucking hair behind my ear. "No, it's not. All you want from me is sex isn't it?"

"No, of course not." He hesitated. "So then why haven't you asked me to be your girlfriend? Why do we have to stay in your room instead of upstairs with your mom and siblings?"

"Why are you acting like this? I thought we fixed everything-"

"Well we didn't." He just sighed and started to walk away from, until I finally let it out. "Why won't you tell me about Jade?" He stopped in his tracks and turned around and charged for me.

"Don't Ariana. She's my past and I don't want to talk about it."

"But after knowing me for only a month you want me to give myself away to you when you don't even want to try and be in a relationship with me?" I grabbed all my things and headed upstairs, an he didn't even run after me.

The next day, when I got my books, he came and stopped me again. "I'm sorry okay. I'm sorry if I hurt you, or made you feel bad. You're a really nice girl, and I shouldn't have tried to take advantage of you. You're the only girl, I have actually ever really cared about-"

"Besides Jade?"

"Yes, besides Jade."

"So, what does this mean for us then?"

"It means that, we are gonna be friends. I won't try to flirt with you, or come on to you. No matter how badly you turn me on in your uniform." He said tucking a strand behind my ear. I actually let a single tear roll down my cheek. He wiped it away and kissed my forehead.

"You're not even gonna fight for me?" I said. He sighed before walking away from me.


"Good to see you back working." Jesse said as I started finishing up Ariana's car. "You've been really quiet today, everything alright?"

"Everything is fine boss."

"Hold up. Boss? Since when do you call me that? Now I know something is up. What's wrong Calum?" I tried to ignore him but he's persistent. "I ended things with Ariana. We're just friends now, and she's mad because she thinks I'm not fighting for her when I'm protecting her from me."

"What's so bad about you Calum? Honestly."

"I might be a good student, and a good big brother, but I'm a shitty ass son and even worse person. She doesn't need to be with a guy like me." I said. Jesse didn't talk to me the rest of the day, which I was fine with because I got most of the car done by closing time. When I went home, my siblings were all asleep and my mom was with the baby, so I made myself dinner.

I groaned as I saw that someone drunk the rest of the pop, and got water instead. "Water is good for you. Keeps the skin well." I turned to the voice and practically choked on my water. "Jade?"

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