Chapter 11:They Reunited!

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It's 9:00 am, and everyone wakes up. Dark Mayhem, and the clones land their helicopter near the volcano area. Dark Mayhem walks out and says, "Be prepared Thundermans, DARK MAYHEM IS BACK!! HAHAHAHA!!!!" Evil Caleb walks out too along with Evil Max. Evil Caleb says in his mind, "I'm tired of working for Dark Mayhem. I want to be the one giving orders. He gets to do everything. Steal powers, be in charge, and has the best powers. Hmmmm I have an idea." He rungs his hands together and evil smirks. 

Max, Phoebe, Billy, and Oyster was just walking around till they bumped into Mom, Dad, and Chloe. The parents shouted, "KIDS!!!!" Then they all hugged each other. Max says, "We are so glad to find you guys. Hey... you haven't seen Caleb or Nora have you?" Hank and Barb look at each other all worried. Barb says, "No we haven't. We thought you guys found them." Billy says, "We better hurry, the volcano could erupt any moment." Right after he said that, the ground started shaking again, and more smoke came out of the volcano. 

Caleb and Nora wake up too, then Caleb asked Nora, "Want to come with me Nora? I'm gonna go find some fish for breakfast." She yawns and said, "I'll go find some fish, you can find some more firewood to make the fire." Caleb replies, "Be careful out there." They stand up and went different directions. Caleb looks for some firewood while Nora makes a spear and hunts for some fish. Caleb was looking and looking and didn't find any. He didn't stop though. Eventually He stumbled upon some and picks them up. 

He goes back over to camp, and hasn't seen Nora yet. He look around and couldn't find her anywhere. "NORA?! NORA?!" He kept shouting and walking around. Caleb was feeling worried that she might have gotten lost or drowned somewhere. By the corner of his eye, he sees her underwater, and drowning. He runs as fast he could to help her. Caleb jumps in and grabs her. He drops her on the land. He's freaking out and trying to get her to breathe. "Nora... Nora come on breathe... BREATHE!!! Come on Nora wake up. I knew I shouldn't have left you alone, but I'm here now, and helping you, come on BREATHE DAMN IT!" He slowly cries, and suddenly, she coughs out water and wakes up. 

Caleb had saved Nora's life. "Caleb? You... You saved me." Caleb smiles and says, "Of Course, that's what friends are for." He asked her, "How did this happen?" She sits up and tells him, "I don't know. I was just catching some fish and someone pushed me, like in the story I told you, but I didn't see anyone." Caleb suspects that someone else is here too. "Oh no. Evil Caleb might be here too." He helps her up, and suddenly, the whole family found them and shouted, "CALEB, NORA!!!!" Then they ran to hug them all. Nora says, "We really missed you guys. Oh and Chloe. (She pulls out her stuffed lamb in her backpack.) I found you're lamb." Chloe runs to grab it. Nora smiles and hugs her. Then they hear clapping and Evil Caleb appears and says, "Well Well Well. I don't know about all of you but, I'm touched." Everyone shouts, "EVIL CALEB?!" Then Dark Mayhem and Evil Max walks up behind them too. This doesn't look good.  

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