Chapter 9:Evil Never Takes a Vacation

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Then Oyster was walking towards his hut and says, "Don't forget to wipe you're feet." Then Max, Phoebe, and Billy started wiping their feet on the welcome mat, and walked in. Billy asks, "So... how long have you been here? It looks like you live here all alone." Max slaps his shoulder to let him know that it's rude to ask that kind of question. Then Oyster says, "As a matter of fact, I do live here all alone. My parents passed away from a shark attack while surfing." Then he looks down and almost starts crying. 

Phoebe walks closer and says, "It's gonna be alright Oyster. I know someone who lost his father." He looks up and asks, "Really? How?" Max and Billy are giving me the hand motion of not talking about Caleb being a superhero. So instead she says, "His father... He... had a heart attack." She gives Oyster a tissue and he wipes his eyes with it, drying out his tears. Max looks to his right and sees a guitar. Max was wondering if he wants be a rocker. "Oyster is this you're guitar? It looks so dope." Oyster nods and says, "Yeah. My dream is to be in a rock band." Max smiles and says, "Me too." Oyster smiles too, and then he sees the map. He grabs it and says, "We must go to the highest place on this island, we'll get a better view on the island." And off they went. 

As soon as they left, a drone is hovering over the island spying on them. Dark Mayhem and the clones are watching. Evil Max says, "Those Thundermans will burn once that volcano erupts. UH-OHHHH I feel a smirk coming on." Then he smirks and Dark Mayhem says, "You don't have to keep saying that whenever you do that. I would go down their myself, but lets wait until the right moment. They won't know whats coming." Then they evil laugh together. 

Caleb and Nora are walking around on the beach. They look at the beautiful sunset. Caleb and Nora sat down on the sand. Caleb says, "I've always wanted to look at the sunset while being on an island. But... now I'm here. With my neighbor." He smiles at Nora. Nora smiles back and she says, "Me too. I've never been on an island before. But it's beautiful, and... I never really told anyone but... I'm not a big fan of riding on a ship. Traveling through water scares me. That's not the only thing I'm afraid of though." Caleb stares at her and asks, "What do you mean? You have many different fears?" 

She nods and says, "When I was little... I met this bully who kept picking on me. Someone who doesn't care, and always does horrible things. And one day he did something worst." A flashback shows Nora in the park, and the bully was named Nathan. He walks up to and says, "Hey... little bow creep, give me you're bow, my little sister wants it." Nora narrates, "He wouldn't stop. I told him back off, but he didn't." Nathan walks up to Nora, he picks her up and pushed her down. Her knee was scraped, and she was holding her knee. Nathan walks up and steals her bow. 

The flashback was over. She looks at Caleb and says, "I was afraid of him Caleb, and the worst part... is that nobody helped me. As a matter a fact, everyone laughed at me." Caleb looks down and says, "I know how that feels. I fear the same thing. Only I was causing the pain. You must have been so scared of him. But just remember you're a supe. And supes should face the things they are scared of." He smiles and hugs her. She stands up and was about to walk away, and Caleb says, "Nora wait. I have something for you." She walks back and Caleb hands her, necklace made of pearls and seashells. She smiles and says, "It's beautiful Caleb. Thanks." She kissed his cheek and walks away. Caleb stands and walks away too.   

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