Omen of Rose

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© Copyrighted 2013 to Robbin Bott.

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Amazing cover by magicNbooks.

There are real demons in the World. I am one. Well, to be more accurate, a half demon. My father was a Demon Prince while my mother was human. She sold herself body and soul to the demon for power and I was an unexpected result. Most humans pretend the supernatural does not exist but it does. I am living proof. Most of us prefer to keep mortals ignorant but we have always been here. Demons, elves, vampires, faeries, werewolves, wizards. Some good and some evil. You name it, it exists.

I woke up and I looked up at the alarm clock beside the bed. It was around noon. An arm was wrapped around my naked breasts. It was not my house, the alarm clock was not where I had put it. Actually, it was a hotel room. It had been an interesting evening. An extremely young man, although an adult. I don't go for jail bait. He had been both caring and passionate at the same time. Smiling down at him, I wondered if I might have been his first. His face showed exhausted contentment with a tiny smile and I knew he would not wake up for a while. I had met him the night before in a club and we had come back to his home. I looked around for my cloths. My bra was laying on the floor beside the bed with the front snaps ripped out. It was not the first time it had happened. Stealthily so that I would not wake him, I found the remainder of my cloths. I tossed my ripped bra into my purse and started getting dressed. It would be best that I was gone when he woke and I had a meeting in a few hours. It would avoid questions I would prefer not to have to answer.

Having the blood of a Demon Lord running through your veins makes me as strong as any body builder and incredibly tough but it had its down sides as well. As a half demon, I had to feed on emotional energy. The term sometimes used was Psi-Vamp, short for Psychic Vampire. For me, it was mostly sexual energies. Since reaching puberty, my sex drive had been incredible. Monogamy simply will not work. I simply could not have a single lover without draining them to the point of being crippled or even possibly killing them. I had also learned that leaving as few clues for my lovers to find me again were good practices. Some of my lovers in the past had become extremely possessive. I did not use my car when with a lover and rotated through the various clubs and bars to avoid meeting the same guy again. It did get lonely at times and I had thought about starting a male harem but was not ready for that. Commitment to not just one man but several. Just too much work.

It was life in the big city if you could consider the Tidewater area of Virginia a big city. In reality it is just pretentious with the only real draw being the naval base. It was time to get ready to meet a client. There are many women who make their money shaking their tail feathers in clubs and with my ability to project sexual energies, I could make a fortune. I could probably make a fortune in New York as a fashion model as well although it would be entirely too easy for my mother or her allies to find me there. Many people had suggested that I enter beauty pageants but again it would be too easy for my parents to trace me down if I did. I make no secret of the fact that I am incredibly attractive. As the daughter of a demon, you can expect it. Magic or Genetics, I can only be described as a sex kitten. In addition to my voice, I have flaming red hair, slightly curly, with green eyes. While hidden under my business suits most of the time, I have full hips, a bountiful chest, and a narrow waist.

Don't get me wrong, I love sex. I just won't sell it. Well, I won't sell it directly. There is nothing wrong with using being attractive and sexy to attract clients. It made a good cover as well. I worked as a private investigator at times recovering relics mostly, a bounty hunter at times, and sometimes as a body guard. As a body guard, I would simply pretend to be a hired escort. Yes, I had slept with plenty of clients. Why not take advantage of the situation. Still, I was not hired because of that. I was hired because in the words of one of my clients, "I always got my man." For bounty hunting jobs, I was often brought in as a last resort. As you might expect, I was quite expensive. While I was a licenced private investigator, I do not do peeper work. Never will. Who people sleep with is their own business. People think I am an accomplished computer hackers and that is how I get my information. I let people believe that. After all, magic does not exist.

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