Behind Benjamin walls

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Hi my name is Marc and I am 16 years old my story started because of my curiosity which turned my life in a living nightmare it all happened a 2 weeks ago I started studying cause the exams were near I stayed up late till 3:00 am I wanted to relax a little so I sat down in my balcony and sat down looking to the empty land in front of us I forget to mention we live in the 4th floor when out of nowhere a car stopped in front of the land I wondered who should stay up this late and the more important what do they want to do I hid myself in a place where I can see the car and the land and they can't see me I waited for a minute then I saw a man getting out of the car dragging a shovel and a small bag but the bag was black like a BODY BAG I got scared yet I stood still fear has paralyzed me I can't move or get my eye of this guy then another one got out and stood like a watchman while the other made a small grave just enough for the bag which contained a body it could think it belonged to a small kid they then left like they came I waited half an hour before I moved again I was afraid they may come back then I returned to my room panic still inside of me so I went to sleep and tried to forget about this and finally I went to sleep I woke up late the next morning but I didn't care I just wants to organize my thoughts my head hurt and I was tired so I went to sleep again I woke up in the middle of the night I looked at the clock and I was 3:00 again I went to the same place as the last night and waited hoping they won't come tonight but they did and as I was seeing a rewinded movie they did the same as last time and left this time I went straight to my bed and tried to sleep cause I was really afraid and in 10 minutes I was asleep at 4:00 I heard scratches on the window but who can reach us like I said before we were in the 4th floor so I opened to see and what I saw pushed me back in fear and nearly scared me to death hundreds of small children heads flouting at my window and screaming with angry looks I ran and closed the window went to my bed and covered myself to the head like a baby I could still hear their scream outside at the dawn it stopped that is it I need to know what is going on I need to call the cops to discover the secret I will have to go the empty land tomorrow night  couldn't wait for them to come this night for them to come it made a plan I would call the police and they did at the same time as the last two nights I sited them to get the body out and go to bury it then I calld the police they came in 2 minutes and arrested ONE of the men that mean that the other one got away now he will know I am the one who called he will find me and kill me I cooled myself then though how could he do that I gave no info to the cops but I will have to go search in the land I waited for a week then went in the middle of the morning as I stepped to the land I looked to my balcony and saw that they could see me clearly even if I tried to hide as I went to the place they buried the kids I found an ending to the last bag they burried they didn't finish the job well as I tried to grab the bag out I hear d a bog bark I looked around but no dogs again it barked only this time louder and louder I ignored it and tried to grad the bag a child scream form the bottom of the earth was heard it freaked me out and pushed me back as I tried to run away I saw HIM standing looking at me with an angry look at his eyes and I knew I was going to die this time for sure His eyes was full of anger madness he ran to me his hands before him going to catch my throat he kept pushing me forward and backward crying DO U KNOW WHAT U DID NOW HE IS COMING BACK BENJAMIN IS COMING BACK it couldn't understand anything as I gasped for air he let me go I didn't why I just saw him faint down I called the ambulance for him even though he tried to kill me I left as soon as the ambulance took him as I ran upstairs I heard an old music in a language I didn't know coming from the living room I saw my dad playing one of those very old music of those big black CD when I asked him where did he get it he said he found it on his desk at his work place he thought one of his friends left it for him there at first we laughed as we said what u like the German songs now cause after a while we find it was a German song but the problem was that my father won't stop playing this song sing he got it and I began to feel strange like someone is watching me and I started to remember the word the man said before he go to the hospital I need to find this man and see what he know and what he mean I HAVE TO After I asked around a little I found out where the man is as I went to the hospital I found out that the man was in a coma and he just woke up as I went to his room I found him near to the window ready to jump the doctors tried to stop him but he didn't listen as he saw me he said I won't jump if all of u went out and only he stayed here while saying this he pointed at me all the doctors begged me to do it so he won't jump I accepted as they got out but stood on the door ready to act I sat on a chair he sat on the bed next to me and told me his story:my name is Marcos and what I was doing is burying children body I didn't kill I just brought them from morgues and places like that-but why I said interrupting him-he looked at me and said to protect and every one in your street of Benjamin revenge  What do u mean by Benjamin revenge who is Benjamin goddammit I cried in his face -Benjamin is the evil it all started in my grandfather time when it all started a rich German man came bought the land next to your house and built a magnificent house with a long steel wall around it he never went out of his home except to buy the food no one talked to him and he talked to no one 2 years passed and the only sound we heard coming out of his house is this old German song playing day and night then a child went missing it wasn't common that a child go missing like that those days they searched everywhere and couldn't find him then another and another so they doubted that it may be Benjamin they observed his house one time a ball went inside and a kid wanted to go even when the others warned him he went inside 1 hour passed and he didn't come out when the people were going to enter the house the child came out but moving left to right like he was drugged the next day the same child went missing they didn't wait and into the house all they heard was the music and when they followed it they saw a room locked and when they came in they saw Benjamin hanging from the celling and inside the chimney bodies of children crying and crying as they are burned alive when the bodies were buried they burned the house a year passed and they heard the song again and each time the song played a house of the village were burned with the people inside the eldest said that we should bury 5 children in the same place each year to calm Benjamin u stopped us at the last one now he is going to come back for u and your family and street I moved so I am protected but u are the one in danger -MY FAMILY I cried as I remembered the song and I told him about it he said run quickly before it is to late but it was as I arrived to my home the cops ambulance and all were here an officer explained to me that my family died burned I said he looked at me and said how did u know I am now living in a madmen house cause no one believe me but plz if u are reading this and u heard the song go bury the last child before someone else dies.

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