The New Fae part 2

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Posa breathed softly as his chest rose and fell. He twitched some,as he laid there his body healed. But remaining in a coma, as the king spoke through him "my servant is waiting" he said. As his voice was deep, and enchanting as he breathed softly. Symbols on his chest and arms, as his hair was flowing and floating, as he looked to be twenty. The orb was pulsing and vibrating some in his skin. Echo's father moved ahead after hearing that voice "My king... my son is not available at the moment, forgive he is fighting, we are to keep you safe those we're his orders" he explained as he looked down at the man that called him grandpa now full grown... How would Echo react to this... if he came back. Posa laid there a few moments, before his eyes jolted open as they glow a bright green. His body moved, as he was soon standing. He brought his hand out in front of him, as he make a fist, He moved his other hand as the stuff formed like spikes. He released his fist, and walked he swung his arms, and the door slammed open as he hadn't even touched it. He stormed from the room, and snapped as clothes made of leaves formed onto his skin. He walked till he got to the same place, that they were fighting his gaze quickly shot out the figure and not echo.

His voice boomed, an a deep voice as it was both very old fae and elf language as he told the man to stop this at once. He walked to the figure, as he wasn't even scared of the shadow creatures he barked an order making the shadow creatures vanish. His arms were crossed, as he looked mad but soon the anger melted into a kind smile, as he held his hand out and spoke "You must of searched, a long time for me...Brother" he said as he smiled gently. Echo fell to the ground quickly holding his arms... too many wounds that dark figure was strong, he saw the other moving aside and taking off his cloak when he turned and realized... "Posa..." he said softly... the little boy... was no longer little...

His eyes moved back to the cloaked figure "Very long, my dearest little brother" he walked close with Echo's sword in his hand and he touched the blood on it before taking it to his lip "Young fresh fae blood. He chuckled and clenched his fists making Echo scream out in agony and fall to the ground.

Posa watched, and nodded as he looked to echo. He gazed, before he looked back to his brother and sighed. He touched his shoulder "brother I believe its time we both start a new" he said, as his hair was flowing. He gazed at the man, as his eyes could convince anyone. His hand glowed, as he watched his brother begin to shrink. "forgive me brother" he said, as he gaze held firm. His fae wings expanding, as he finally let go and went to echo he healed him and bowed. "if you so wish he will become, an infant once again" he says.

Echo stared at Posa frowning "That.. won't stop him..." he said as he moved slowly and pointed at his brother, the baby began to be surrounded by a dark mass that quickly took away almost as if in a cloud "Darkness lives with him, Posa. He cannot be saved" he explained the guards showing up picking up Echo after they bowed at Posa.

"I'll remain your guardian, my Lord" Echo asked bowing before him as well.

Posa nodded, as he walked over too the other. He touched his shoulder, and gave a gentle smile "For your deeds, your wings will be returned to you and you are now allowed to stay in the fae world" he said, and moved behind the other and slowly touched his back and moved his hands, as he formed the others wings making them more beautiful. He then stepped back in front of the other, and reached slowly grabbing the orb and pulling it out. He them moved and touched it too his own chest, and it shimmered before going inside he shuttered softly.

He looked to the others, and stepped back as his wings grew out as he opened his lips, and began to sing. The wings soon wrapped around him, and there was a bright flash of light that soon went away, as in a pile of flowers and leaves was a sleeping newborn baby.

Echo stared at his wings in wonder and frowned seeing the other wrap himself in his wings singing soon the baby showing up. Echo moved towards it and pick him up "Again a baby?" he asked smiling "I'll be taking care of you over and over again for all eternity" he chuckled and kissed the baby's head "I'll be honored, my Posa" he said softly as he cradled the baby humming a song. Posa was sleeping, as he moved close to echo. The orb appeared, and spoke to echo "This time though his memories, every one of them will be there" the orb said, before going back into posa's chest. As soon posa began to wake up, he moved some as his eyes slowly fluttered open. His vision was a little fuzzy, but it cleared as he blinked at echo, before a toothless smile spread onto his face. He giggled, and reached like he was trying to hug the other. But the smile went away, as he saw his hand and how tiny it was.

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