Wasteland of Broken Dreams

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This is the Wasteland of Broken Dreams. A place that the world once knew as a prospering world, filled with green grass and splendors of the unknown. Food was never an issue to find and humans were the top of the food chain. That was until one day, an explosive struck, destroying the world as they knew it. Everything started out disorganized, in a panic of what to do and where to go. Soon people found three leaders. One of law, one of recreation, and one of justice. They worked together, putting together supplies and rebuilding the city. Then a fatal accident happened when a man was killed by something unknown. It was something, no mundane thing could create. A power of sorts. The human leader immediately grew fearful, making it his goal to find out who had powers and who didn't, marking their necks with a number then sentenced them to death. The two other leaders, disagreed with this. The more radical of leaders, who happened to be a non-human themselves, stepped up, fighting against this newfound law. Soon a great war broke out between the powers and the non-powers, growing bloodier and bloodier. Not a day went by without death.

Two of the sides became divided, the third leader, not knowing what to do, took his own side in the fight, taking in the people of both power and non-power that did not want to join in the war between the powers and the non-powers. The third side devoted themselves to science, ignoring the war that raged and spent their times creating machines and weaponry of sorts to establish retaking the new world. The two othersides, did not agree with this. They believed that the third leader should pick a side and not waste his time on the sciences since it was the sciences that originally destroyed the world and brought out the beasts to prey on the humans. Realizing they could not change the third leaders opinion, they shunned him, turning back to their war and both treating his side like vermin, holding nothing for the sciences but hostility. Both carry on their disputes and views in the war, doing nothing to reestablish the lost connections between the three sides, trying to recreate the world in their own individual ways.


The powers is the side of the non-humans, those who are gifted or cursed with the ability to perform inhuman things, such as magic, morphing, regeneration, the inability to age, excetera. They chose to fight against the non-powers for the sake of freeing the powers from a fate more deadly than death. They chose to use their new and old abilities to retake the world.


The Non-powers is the side of the humans, those who have managed to keep their human selves untouched by the impurity of the powers. They call themselves the Purity, harnessing the use of weapons and many other items of warfare in order to push back the powers who continue to strive to take away what they hold dear to them: Their humanity. They believe humans are the only ones who can rebuild the world like it was built before.


Unity strives to achieve reestablishing the world without war. Instead, they strive at creating machinery, delving in the sciences to help restore the world. They are determined to discover the origins of the powers and why not all humans were affected and if humans were the only ones affected. Unity is hated by both Powers and Humans but refuse to fight against or for either side. They believe the sciences created by both powers and humans, can recreate the world.

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