Past History

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In the beginning they knew not of each other, angels and shape-shifters living in ignorance to each others existence on this Earth. The shape-shifters hid among the humans and angels as animals in the forest, the angels never took the time to notice the DWC as they spent a lot of time in their animal forms. For generations they kept to themselves and out of each others affairs, soon that would all end.

The angels guided the humans through resisting temptation were unaware that they were not the only divine beings that walked among this earth. It wasn't until the DWC got curious of the humans and started to walk into the town in human form, one angel (Averllin) took notice of that someone new had arrived among his flock. The Alpha female of the DWC named Lahlaia, recently widowed from her long time husband whom was taken by the Forest Spirit after many years of dedication. Lahlaia wandered into town to contemplate her husbands death and was unaware that she was being watched from above.

For weeks Lahlaia stayed within the town and Averllin watched her closely as he was unsure if this woman was handling her grief properly, she seemed so calm all the time. He then started to whisper words of encouragement in her ears. Lahlaia unsure of what was happening thought she was going mad, she tried to stay in the town but she feared she was going insane. The angel tried to say that she was not insane but Lahlaia wouldn't believe such words and soon after she left town to return to her homeland; the forest. Averllin watched her closely until she entered the forest, something was blocking his view of the woman and she disappeared from his sight. 

Marveled and worried the angel decided to wait for the woman to return, after a few weeks had passed Averllin feared the worst. Even though this woman had only been apart of his flock for a few weeks he felt a special connection and was infatuated in saving her life. Not knowing what he would find he entered the forest with caution, feeling a little out of place in such a beautiful landscape. The DWC spotted him first and watched him for many days, it was only until Averllin started to sing that Lahlaia recognized the voice, it was the voice that appeared in her head. Curious she ordered her pack to watch him, they were not to reveal themselves to this creature with wings.

For almost a week Lahlaia meditated on what to do with this winged man, he wouldn't leave and he was relentless in trying to find his lost sheep that wandered from his flock. Finally the Forest Spirit answered, she was to enlighten him with their species. Knowing that the Forest Spirit would never steer her wrong she revealed to the winged man what she really was, changing from her wolf form into a human. Averllin was amazed that a divine being was hidden from his creators eyes, he wanted to tell his creator of the news but Lahlaia convinced him not too. Over the next ten years they would learn about each others species and eventually the DWC would accept Averllin as their own and Lahlaia would fall back in love.

However this did not last once Lahlaia was with child, Averllin would fall for the creation of their child. His creator (God) said it was an abomination and that these shape-shifters were probably demons, if he did not kill Lahlaia and the child he would fall. He chose to fall over killing his wife and first born child. The DWC made Averllin an honorary pack mate even though he was not a shape-shifter, the Forest Spirit blessed him with the element of fire. Lahlaia would soon after give birth to their daughter whom the would name Averlaia, for five years they would be at peace. Until Averllin's God decided to siege war on the DWC to wipe out the "demons" out of the forest.

The angels failed on their assault on the forest against the DWC, the angels creator could not see into the forest and his group of angels were slaughtered. Desperate to cleanse this forest from these demons they enlisted the help of the humans. Spreading lies in their ears saying that demons plagued the forest, in a panic the humans started to cut and burn down the forest. In an attempt to save the ones Averllin loved from this massacre he turned to the a dark ritual of becoming a Dark Angel. Sacrificing a human his immortal powers returned but at a price, he was no longer the creature Lahlaia had fallen in love with so many years ago. Angry with his her husbands choice his wife later realized this was the only way to save the DWC from destruction. Lahlaia took their child and her clan mates away from the forest for Lahlaia could no longer feel the Forest Spirit with them and faced the fact that she had lost the battle but not the war.

Averllin told the humans he was demon they sought out and sacrificed himself to save the ones he loved. Lahlaia then swore vengeance on the angels and for now on all angels whether it be Light Angels, Fallen Angels or Dark Angels they would be killed on site. She wept for many years over her husbands death, but she gained a daughter whom would carry on their bloodline for generations until they would find the Forest Spirit again. It would be a long time before they located the Forest Spirit again and they would eventually come to the city to start anew and to clear this city of the angels.

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