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Melissa's POV
       I woke up remembering yesterday's events. I just shook it off and then I decided to go shopping for some things for my room. I went downstairs and then I made myself some breakfast and I realised it was Friday. I made some breakfast for my mum and I then my mum came downstairs "Morning" I said and smiled "Morning sweetie!" She said and smiled as she saw all the food. She took a sip from her coffee. "Hey mum do you think we can go shopping today for some things for my room?" I asked her "Yea sure I have to go look for some things to anyway" she replied as she cut up a pancake. "Great! Thanks mum!" I said and kissed her cheek and went upstairs to get ready. I got changed into that

Then I went downstairs and waited for my mum to get ready

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Then I went downstairs and waited for my mum to get ready. I realised that I never got Johnny and Lauren's number so I would try and get it today. My mum came down and we got in the car. Then Wifi Wifey played on the radio cause I plugged in my aux cord😂 "DO YOU DOUBLE TAP LIKE ME WHEN I'M ON THE ROAD YOU CAN SKYPE ME!! I FOLLOW IF YOU FOLLOW ME BACK! YOUR MY WIFI WIFEY!" I sung at the top of my lungs. I looked and my mom was recording "MUM STOP!" I said and covered the camera. She was laughing out of control😂 this moment was honestly more funny for me than it was for her.


    After we got home I put up all of my things then I lay in my bed and I made a group chat with Johnny and Lauren asking them for their numbers. They instantly answered. I added them to my contacts. Then I decided to make another group chat😂 but on messages.

M-Hey guys can we go like explore cause I honestly don't know anything or anyone here😂😂
J-Sure what time
L-We'll be at your house in 10 minutes
M-K see you guys soon
J&L-See ya

After that I decided to changed into something else so I changed into that

After that I decided to changed into something else so I changed into that

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Then I went outside and I saw Johnny and Lauren walking towards my house. I smiled and waved at them. They waved back and I walked towards them "So where to?" I asked "Well why don't we just walk around and show you the basics" Said Johnny looking and Lauren for approval. She nodded and I followed them around town basically. We went to a bunch of different places and I just really got to know the place. "Hey Melissa tomorrow Lauren and I were gonna go to Six Flags why don't you come with us?" Asked Johnny "I'd love to!" I said and smiled at them. Then we went to the park and chilled "Why don't we show Melissa to Chipotle?" Said Johnny and we all laughed and I followed them to Chipotle. We ordered our food and we went back to the park and we sat at a table and ate. "What time are we leaving tomorrow?" I asked as I finished chewing "Umm like around 12:00PM" Said Lauren and then we went to my house and we just chilled on my bed. "Melissa are you still fine from what happened yesterday?" Asked Johnny sadly "Yea it's cool. I mean you know being Internet famous does have its downs and ups." I said and looked down with a sort of hurt expression. "I promise it'll be ok Johnny and I will always be here for you!" Said Lauren as they both hugged me. I smiled and I hugged them back. "Thanks guys for being the best new neighbours slash (/) friends I could ask for" I said and smiled as we all laughed. Then Lauren and Johnny's mum called cause it was getting late. "Welp bye guys I'll  see you tomorrow!" I said and smiled as I lead them out "Bye!" They replied and smiled then when they left I saw that it was 8:00PM so I just watched a movie and I dozed off to sleep.

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