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Melissa's Pov

        I opened my eyes and it smelt like rubber gloves and rubbing alcohol. The smell burned my nostrils but I ignored it. I instantly knew that I was in a hospital. I looked over and I was in a hospital room. I looked to my left and saw Mark and Johnny fast asleep cuddling on a chair. I smiled and I tapped Mark's shoulder. "What the fuck!" He said he jumped up when he saw me. "Your awake!" He said and hugged me tightly. I hugged back. "How are you feeling?" He asked with a huge smile. "Snazzy" I smiled and laughed. "Melissa!!" I heard Johnny yell. I smiled widely and hugged him tightly. "I missed you so much!" He said and stroked my hair. I smiled. "Geez how long have I been asleep?" I asked and laughed. "About 2 days" Replied Mark and chewed on a pen. My eyes went wide. "Well where is everyone?" I asked. "Back at the hotel Mark and I were the only ones allowed to stay" Said Johnny and smiled. "I am so ready to leave this smell is killing my nose" I said jokingly and laughed. "Dude same!!" Said Mark and scrunched up his nose. I laughed. I pressed the help button to call up a nurse. A while later no one had came. "Dude what if I was dying!" I screeched. Then a doctor walked in. "Melissa your awake! See to explain in a easy way what happened is it seems since you've been touring lack of vitamins struck over and it makes you have migraines and feel lightheaded and your body couldn't take it anymore" He explained. "Sorry it's just I've been touring and all and I haven't had much time to eat an actual meal" I said and looked down. "No It's fine I completely understand just make sure to be careful next time because, your health is at risk" He said and wrote some things down on his clipboard. "Can she leave today?" Asked Johnny. "Yes just as soon as a family member fills out some papers" He replied. "I'll call Zach" Said Mark and dialed Zach's numbers. "Here's some clothes to change in" Said Johnny and smiled. I smiled and thanked him and I went into the bathroom and changed

 I smiled and thanked him and I went into the bathroom and changed

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I smiled as I saw Zach at the front desk. I went up behind him and hugged him. He jumped then saw me. "Melissa!! I'm so glad you're ok!" He said and hugged me back and kissed my forehead. "Ready to leave?" He asked. "As ready as I'll ever be" I smiled. We got Johnny and Mark and headed back to the hotel.  "Where did you get this car?" I asked in worry as I saw a red stain in the middle seat. "I rented it for 1 day" Said Zach. I nodded and we arrived. "I am so ready to sleep" I said and sighed. Mark sniffled a laugh. "You've been asleep for 2 days" Said Johnny and smiled as he shook his head. "That makes no difference" I groaned and leaned my head on Johnny's shoulder. "Cmon get up before I lock you in the car!" Said Zach as he got out the car. We got up and we headed to our room. I opened the door "SURPRISE!" I Heard everyone yell. I smiled. I saw a table filled with cupcakes, food, candy, everything that could give you terrible cavities. I smiled "YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!" I yelled and jumped on Johnny's back and kissed his cheek.  He smiled widely and I hopped off and grabbed a cupcake. "Lets get lit!" I yelled. I put in the aux cord on my phone. It was an amazing day and I was so happy to have friends like these. I always thought moving to LA would ruin my life, turns out it only got better.

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