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Melissa's POV

I woke up and I changed Into that

Then I decided to go to a park that was near here about 3 blocks away so I grabbed my sketch book and a pencil and I headed off as I left my mum a note on the kitchen table

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Then I decided to go to a park that was near here about 3 blocks away so I grabbed my sketch book and a pencil and I headed off as I left my mum a note on the kitchen table. I walked out and I walked to the park. I went in and I saw a picnic table so I decided to sit there I started to draw and I ended up drawing Harry Potter😂

 I went in and I saw a picnic table so I decided to sit there I started to draw and I ended up drawing Harry Potter😂

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I really liked it. I then felt a light tap on my shoulder I turned around and saw Johnny and Lauren smiling at me as they looked down at my drawing. I smiled back "Hey! How's it going?" I asked them still smiling "We were just walking around how about you?" Asked Lauren "Just got bored and came here" I said "You like drawing?" Asked Johnny amazed as he saw my drawing "Yea i did it a lot back in Virginia when I was bored and I guess I picked up some tricks" I said and looked at my drawing "Melissa that is amazing!" Said Lauren as he picked up my sketch book and flipped through the pages to find some drawings. "Thanks i appreciate it" I said and smiled "Wanna come to our house for a bit?" Asked Johnny with a huge smile on his face "I'd love to" I said and smiled we walked back to their house and we went up to Lauren's room. We sat on the bed and we just talked about the randomest topics ever😂 after that my mum called me and she said that I had to come home😑 I said goodbye to all of the Orlando's and I walked next door to my house. I knocked and my Mum answered "Hey I just made some spaghetti" she said and smiled at me "SWEET!" I yelled and ran to the table and I ate. Then I went up to my room and I changed into my pyjamas and then I went to sleep.

Hey guys it's meh sorry that that chapter was pretty boring but I try😂 and it's also 6 in the morning lol

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