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Hey guys so i changed Melissa's character and that's her^^^

Melissa's Pov
I woke up and i frowned remebering yesterday's events. Then i smiled when i remembered that Johnny was there. For some dumbass reason i was happy which is stupid cause my mom is coming home eww😂😂 i laughed at my thoughts and then i picked out my clothes for the day and decided on that

 For some dumbass reason i was happy which is stupid cause my mom is coming home eww😂😂 i laughed at my thoughts and then i picked out my clothes for the day and decided on that

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I walked downstairs and saw everyone up. Jacob had made breakfast. "I made breakfast" Said Jacob and handed me a plate and smiled warmly at him. Johnny rolled his eyes. Uh-oh, don't tell me this is gonna be like those annoying love stories were 2 boys fight over the girl. I groaned and then i ate my breakfast. "So what's today's schedule!?" I asked with a smile. Everyone looked at me weirdly maybe confusion. "What?" I asked and raised my eyebrow. "Why are you so happy? You're leaving for a year and you just found out yesterday" Said Lauren. "Well children we have to enjoy our lives because, in the future we will only regret what we didn't do" I said in a wise tone. They smiled at me. "How does Six Flags sound?" Asked Johnny "Sounds great" Lauren, Jacob, and I said in unison. We all got our things and called an uber to take us. We arrived and there was a huge line to get tickets. I groaned. "Are you kidding me!" Said Jacob and sighed.

*°•After getting tickets•°*

We walked in. "Ouu I wanna go on the apocalypse!" Said Johnny "I wanna go on the superman!" Said Jacob "I wanna get a funnel cake and soda!" I said in a dreamy smile making everyone laugh. "It's cute that you think I'm kidding i said and rolled my eyes.

-Many refills of soda and rides later-

"I wanna go home!" I said and we had been on almost every single ride twice. Everyone agreed as we took an uber home. Johnny and Lauren went home and Jacob went to go get food for me and him. I opened the door to my house to be tackled with a hug from my mom. I mentally groaned and i winced at the sudden gesture. "Mom! You're Home, unlike i will for a year!" I said with very small emotion.
"Honey, I'm sorry, i really am but this benefits you and me in many ways!" She said and rubbed my back. I rolled my eyes "Give me 5 good reasons" I said "Well you finally get to meet your brother, you get to tour around the world, you don't have to be alone when i leave for business trips,-" She started then she couldn't think of any other rubbish excuse. "Exactly" I said and went outside to wait for Jacob. I just wish i would have never even replied to Zach. In the distance i Saw Jacob. I lightly smiled. Is it bad, that i don't know if wether i like Johnny or Jacob. Well, of course it's bad you idiot... I thought to myself. "Here you go" He said with a smile and handed me my food. "Thanks" I said and grabbed it. It was a warm bag. I read the label and it said Chipotle. I smiled widley and i grabbed the fork and started eating. "So my mom came home" I said and groaned. Jacob laughed. "You act like it's the person that you mostly hate with a passion" Said Jacob and shook his head head with a slight smile as he shoved a forkful of Chipotle in his mouth. "At the moment yes, however, she should be leaving again in 5 days thank god!" I said and put my hands in a praying position. Jacob smiled. "So the concert is in 7 days... I was wondering if you still wanted it to be a date" Said Jacob and scratched the back of his neck. "Jacob... Right now i'm going through a ton of stress... But, since it's you yes" I said and smiled as i lay my head on his shoulder. In the corner of my eye i saw him swish his hand in victory. I chuckled into his shoulder and he blushed pink, making his cheeks more red than they already are. "Kids time to come back insi- oh nevermind stay out as long as you like" I heard my mom say coming outside, we laughed and then we went back inside and we ate dinner and went off to bed.

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