Part One.

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     "Leap Ally! LEAP!!!!!!!!" My dance instructor's voice echoed throughout the theater where i was rehersing. I flew across the stage, landed my jump, and slid down into my ending pose in a split. I smiled at the audience of the other dancer who were going to reherse. My music had ended. I stood up gracefullly and curtsied as if i was preforming for a real audience. They all clapped and whistled. I ran back stage and swung my dance bag over my arm and hurried back to the dressing room. i Stripped off my sweaty dance clothes and put jeans and a teeshirt on and slipped a pair of converse. I walked brisquelly out of the dressing room.

      "Beautiful preformance Ally! Well done." My instructor called to me as i excited the theater. I waved to her and made my way out into the warm austrailian sun. It was friday at 5 o'clock. It was the last day of school for the summer thank God. I took a seat on the curb and waited for my ride. I thought back to my last day of school last year. Him. Michael Clifford. He was my boy friend at the time. He had given me a ring. He became my boy friend that day. You may be thinking, THE Michael Clifford. And im saying, yes TTHE Michael Clifford. He broke up with me the day before he moved to London with the band 5 Seconds of Summer. My step brother Luke Hemmings is also in the band. I thought about how i would be moving to New York City at the end of the summer to join the New York City Ballet, to chase my dreams and hopefully catch them. I was called out of my train of thought by the reving of an engine. I looked up to see my boyfriend Jay in his Dodge Camero waiting for me. I smiled and hopped into the passenger seat.

     "Hey babe." He said pulling my face close to his and kissing me. 

     "Heyyy." I whispered into his mouth. "We going for dinner?" I ask him, shifting back into my seat.

     "Nah i have practice." he said it like he didnt care.

      "Oh. Okay." He drove the rest of the way in silence. We pulled up in front of my house. It had  really changed on the outside since my dad's new wife, Liz, Luke's mom, had moved in. The outisde was now painted an eggshell blue, and there were flowers planted all around. I got out of the car and blew Jay a kiss. He smiled and drove off.

"Sometimes i believe he cares more about sports than me.." I mumble to myself. I walk slowly up the steps and into the house. I see Liz and my dad cuddled up on the couch watching P.S. I Love You. I smiled at them and made my way upstairs. Liz was pregnant with a baby. Luke and I were both going to be older siblings. I flopped onto my bed. I flipped open my laptop and checked my email. Theres one from Luke!

     "Hey Sis! I'v got a big surprise! I'll tell you next time we skype. For now check out this song. Michael wrote it. We just put it out there." I smiled at Luke's words. I clicked the link and sat back to here the words. The tital of the song was Beside You. I shut my eyes and listen to the words. My heart breaks.

"Within a minute I was all packed up

I’ve got a ticket to another world

I don’t wanna go

I don’t wanna go

Sudden words are hard to speak

When your thoughts are all I see

“Don’t ever leave,” she said to me

When we both fall asleep underneath the same sky.

To the beat of our hearts at the same time.

So close but so far away.

(Can you hear me?)

She sleeps alone.

My heart wants to come home.

Forever and Always. Second Edition to The We Are Family Series(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now