Part thirty-nine

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     I woke up to soft snores coming from Calum's side of the room. Rolling over in my tangled sheets, I see the tan boys limbs spread all over the bed. He was sprawled out half on half off the bed. I chuckled at his appearance. Drool hung slightly out of his mouth. I grabbed my phone off the side table and snapped a few pictures. I posted them to Instagram and Twitter.

     "@Calum5SOS, now the world knows how you sleep. Your welcome." I smirked as I saw Calum's phone buzz on his side of the table letting him know he was tagged in a tweet. His brown eyes shoot open and he grabs his phone. He hasn't even noticed me cracking up.

    His facial expressions were priceless. Going from "oh a tweet" to "its a picture of me!" to "holy hell on wheels!"

     "Ally!" He exclaims. His eyes darting up at me. Now I can barely contian my laughter. I burst out cracking up. I have to bite my lips and cover my mouth to stop.

    "Cal, I couldn't help it it was perfect!" I manage to squeak out before going back into a laughing fit. I calm down enough ti see Calum is laughing now too.

    " Hey Ally, did you and Ash have fun last night or what?" He jokes. I dock my head. I didn't see Ashton since our fight.

    "Huh? What do you mean?" I ask. He shakes his head smiling.

     "Check the mirror idiot." He jokes. I get off my bed, shoving him in the process. I walk over to the mirror and look upon in horror what awaits me there. 3 HUGE hickies in a line down my collar bone. They are bright red and hurt. My eyes widen and my hand goes directly over the marks.

     "Shit." I whisper. Calum had gotten off his bed now and was grabbing his clothes to put on.

     "Those are not from Ashton are they." He says as he slips aa clean shirt over his head. I wasn't even paying attention to the fact he is changing right in front of me.

     "I um..." I cant even answer him. He already knows the truth.

     "Michael." Is all he says. I nod and begin to dig through my suit case. Grabbing a shirt that will cover up the marks and a pair of leggings and combat boots. I scurry into the bathroom and pull on my clothes. Coming out I toss my pajamas into my open suit case, full of tangled clothes.

     I begin to layer makeup on my skin when I see Calum looking at me in the reflection of the mirror. I drop my mascara tube and whirls around.

    "What?" I say. I lean my back uo against the dresser and cross my arms over my chest.

    Calum just shrugs.

    "I just don't understand what you are waiting for Ally. Michael's right there. Don't be a pussy and take him!" He says. I feel tears coming to my eyes. I know tthat he is totally right.

    "I'm scared Calum." I whisper. I let a tear slip from My closed eyes and dribble down my cheek. Calum is there to wipe it away. He pulls me into his chest and hugs me.

    "Ill be there for you through this. Who else knows?" He asks once we pull away.

    "Just you me Michael and I told Jenn we kissed but she doesnt know this is still going on." I breath out as I turn to finish my makeup.

    "Well I got your back babe!" Calum laughs, "I have to go back to my room. Ill see you in 10." He says smiling as he walks out. It feels good, but dangerous to have Calum know. I finish up my make up quickly and pull on my combat boots. I sit on the edge of my bed just blankly staring at my reflection. There is a knock on the door. I zip up my suit case, assuming it is Jenn telling me its time to get ti the aair port. I lug my bags over to the door and I am greeted by Ashton's worried look instead if Jenn's.

    "Im sorry about our ffight last night." He says quickly before crashing his lips into mine. I don't pull away. I just continue like normal.

    "Okay love birds lets go!" Lukes voice resounds through the hall way. Ashton pulls away giggling. I catch Michael's gaze and Calums level-headed nod to me. Ashton grabs my hand and interlocked out fingers. We all enjoy a nice awkward as fuck elevator ride to the lobby. We all walk out the doors together. The cameras are flashing as fans and paparazzi bug us.

    "Ashton, Ally! Give us a kiss!" I hear one pap call. I turn to Ashton. as he leans and places his lips kn mine. It tastes bitter as I hear the cameras flash and Michael slam into me from behind.

    "oh sorry." He says sarcastically. I loo away from him in guilt. I couldn't do this to them.


Forever and Always. Second Edition to The We Are Family Series(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now