Part Seventeen

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     "Oh dear God..." I whisper. I stare down at the pregnancy test in my hands. Not this. Not another thing to turn my relationship with Michael upside down. Two lines for pregnant. One for not pregnant. Oh god. Two fucking lines. I glanced at the test once more before throwing it in the garbage. I stared at my refelection. I had gone pale and wanted to throw up. He is going to kill me.

     "Ally! Time to go!" Michael's voice calling me made me jump out of my skin. I shook my head and hurried out of the bathroom. "I'll hide the test later." I think to myself.


     "Bye Jenn! I'll miss you so much!" I say hugging my best friend for the last time before she went back to America. Michael and I backed off so Luke and Jenn could exchange their goodbyes. I sat on a bench and Michael plopped down next to me after signing a few autographs for some fans.

     "You ok?" He said, rubbing my thigh and looking at me. I glanced at him and faked a smile.

     "Yeah. Just great.. Trust me." I said to him. He still looked concerned.

      "You promise Al?" He said tossling my hair.

     "Yeah i promise babe." I smile at him, trying harder to seem OK. I glance up at Luke and Jenn, the are talking and exchanging hugs and some kisses. I glance away letting my mind wander back to my pregnancy test. Two lines...

     "Hey guys, ready to head out?" Luke says, walking up to our bench. I nod and we leave. I had moer things on my mind than just the pregnancy. I still had the oppurtunity to move to New York. Michael and I had had a fight about that the other night. He wanted me to live my dream but i want to go on tour with him. I am stubborn and so is he. Once we all get home, i lay down on my bed and stare up at the ceiling. I laid like that for 20 minutes. Michael walks in.

     "Im just gonna use the bathroom then im gonna cheer you up!" He says, winking at me and walking into the bathroom, shutting the door. Just then it hits me.

     "No no no!!" I say rushing towards the door about the throw it open. Then i hear it.

     "What the fuck!?" Michael says. I back away from the door, knowing that my fate is sealed. 

     "Ally. Whats this?" Michael has emerged from the bathroom and is standing in front of me with the pregnancy test in hand, holding it up for me to see. I glance at his face. He is angry, scared, sad... every emotion has played across his face.

     "Ally! What the hell is this!?" He says, louder this time.

     "Im... Im pregnant." I whisper with whatever breath is left in my lungs.

     "Are you cheating on me!?" He says, yelling.

     "No!" I yell back, standing up from my place on the bed, "Its yours!" I yell again, pointing to my stomach. Michael's color drains from his face.

     "Mine." He whispers, staring at my stomach.

     "Yes yours." I repeat.

     "Do you have any idea how this will screw things up!?" His voice raising once more, "Nice job Ally!" He drags his fingers through his shaggy hair.

     "Me? This is my fault? Your the one who does the deed you idiot!!!" I scream at him. He turns to me, his fists clenching. He storms out of my room, slamming my door behind him. I look down at the floor. I run my hands tanderly across my stomach.

     "We will be okay." I whisper to myself and my baby. I need to talk to Michael. Talk this out. I grab my sweatshirt and converse and run down the stairs. I drive to all our favorite spots, nowhere to my found. I finally pull up to a resturant, im starving. I look around for a seat when i see it. Michael, surrounded with drunk girls. They are hanging on them and he kisses a few of them. Allowing their hands to wander all over him. They are all laughing. I hear his voice and his laugh. I stare at him. He looks up. My eyes meet with his. His drunk bubbling laughter stops. I turn and run. I cant. Not after that.



Forever and Always. Second Edition to The We Are Family Series(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now