Part Four.

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     The four of us were all sitting backstage. Luke had just finnished calling Ally for the fourth time. He was flipping shit cause she had dissapeared. She wouldnt answer her phone and he couldnt reach their parents because they had a last minute business trip to take and they would be away for the weekened. And Luke was freaking out.

      "Oh god. Where is she?? She was supposed to be here!!" He said for the millionth time. I rolled my eyes. I was annoyed with him and Ally. He needed to calm his shit, and Ally... She needed to get her priorities straight. I mean she shows up here, with that ass hole guy Jay. He and I never liked eachother when i went to schoolw with them. He was a rich,spoiled, football jock. And that was everything im not. And she comes here with him, but shes wearing my old teeshirt. I didnt even think she had that anymore. I have to admit, I love seeing her in my clothes... It made my heart leap a little bit. And i didnt regret what i said to her. I wanted to get under her skin and into her mind. And im pretty sure i already was. But with Luke complaining, I lost my patience with him, as i did all the time.

     "Luke! Shut up! Shes probly fine ok? Probably off having sex with that asshole boy friend of hers! Just come down! That bitch will be fine." I spit out at him. He shot me such a look. It wasfull of anger and hurt. One of those "how could you?" looks. AShton and Claum gasped. I was a little surprised at myself too. I didnt want her out with Jay. I expected her to come running and fall down at my feet beggin me back... Guess i am wrong. I didnt think she was a bitch either. Im just mad... I regretted it.

     "Dont you ever speak about my sister like that again." He stormed out of the room. "Shit." I breathed as i heaved myself off the couch i was lounging on. I hurried after him. I walked out of the room to see him answering his phone.

      "Hellooo?" He said, dragging out the 'o'. "Yeah this is Lucas Hemmings. Whats going on? The hospitol? Oh my gosh. ( he rubbed the back of his neck roughly and shook his head.) Ill be there as soon as possible." He shoved his phone in his pocket and rubbed his eyes. I couched behind him to get his attention. He whirled around and rolled his eyes when he saw it was me. He started walking towards the exit. I ran after him.

      "What Michael? Back to be mean about my sister?" He asked sarcastically as we walked along.

      "No! I wanna apologize... But whats going on?" I asked him, refering to the phone call.

       "Ally is in the hospitol. Why the hell do you care? You obviously think shes a piece of shit huh?" He turned to me and shook his head. I widened my eyes.

      "The hospitol?? Im coming with you!" I said quickening my face as we walked towards Luke's car.

     "Why? You dont care about her." He says as he reaches the car. He gets in the drivers seat and i get intot the passenger side.  I look at him as he starts the engine.

     "Luke.. I dont hate her... I care about her... i dont know i... im just mad about a lot... Please just let me come?" I said hopefully. He glanced at me. He shrugged and we pulled out of the parking lot and drove towards the hospitol. We were silent for a while until Luke spoke.

      "She cares about you too... Thats all im saying Clifford." He laughed and so did i. Soon, we got to the hospitol and pulled into a parking space. Luke and I jogged up to the doors and ran inside.

     "Luke which room is she in?" I asked him.

     "Third floor, room two zero eight." He said as we borded the elevator. I leaned up against the wall and cracked my knuckles as i was impatient. The doors finally ipened and we ran down the hallway to Ally's room. Luke threw open the door. She was lying there. She looked barely conscience. Her ankel was in a cast and her arm was wrapped in a bindind.She has a bruise on her cheek near her eye. Whenwe shut the door softly behind us, her eyes fluttered open. She smiled softly at Luke. Then she noticed me behind him. She whispered something barely audible. It was my name.

Forever and Always. Second Edition to The We Are Family Series(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now