««Chapter 12»»

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Ivan's POV

"You stupid butthead. Why did you have to ruin me and Eleanor's moment?! I know you wanted to save our assets, bu-"

I turned around to look at Mason, but.. he wasn't there. Great, I was whispering those things to no one. I shook my head, and caught up with Greg to the Cabin.

I raced to the cabin before Greg, and opened the door for him, raising my eyebrows up and down, obviously still teasing about Liz.

"Shut up."

I sat on my bunk, and faced Greg.

"What?! It's cute."

I know. Not very masculine, but.. it annoys him, therefore, I shall use the word cute.

"Dude, she just thinks I'm cute.. okay, fine, hot.. but that doesn't mean anything!"

"Yes it does." We heard Mason, just as he walked in. Logan was sleeping, so kind of had to talk a little quiet. "Dude, you left me."

Oh. Sure. I LEFT HIM t(-.-t)

"Oh. MY BAD."

Logan groaned. I think I said that a little loud.

"You know. Whatever. Go to bed and dream about your wonderlands." Greg said, as he laid on the top bunk. I did the same, and faced the wall.

Not too long after.. I heard Greg's snores. Well he fell asleep quickly. I stared at the wall. Thinking about stuff.. I couldn't sleep, yes, partially because of Greg's obnoxiously loud snores.. but mostly because the thought of Eleanor won't escape my mind..

That "talk" we had.. Yes, it might've been awkward and weird.. but there was so much to it. You know the feeling you get when you're talking to a person, and you want to say something really bad but you end up getting tongue tied? That happened. Butterflies were shooting my stomach with shotguns and canon launchers. I'm pretty sure I was about to pee my pants because of nervousness.

Soon, my thoughts started to get cut off.. I was able to fall asleep.


"Sup, Liz."

Greg said, quite loudly, as he swiftly sat next to Liz in the cafeteria.. and being the lady she is, she moved away.

"Don't worry Liz, he brushed his teeth." I joked.

Everyone laughed. I searched for the face I've had trouble getting out of my mind.. ahh. There it is.. There she is.. Her smile.. It's contagious. Whenever she smiles, I suddenly feel the urge to smile too.. It's even better knowing that its because of my joke that's why she's smiling.

"HUUUUUUYYYYYYYYY." Next thing I knew, Aria was clapping in my face. "Stop staring at my friend, she'll melt." She whispered, and tapped my shoulder.

Before I could even question it, she already walked away.

"WAIT, ARIAAA. BUY US SOME TOOOO." Greg, and Liz, the one and only adorable couple, ran towards her.

I sat down next to Mason, who was infront of Ele.. Well.. this is awkward..

".. I.. sh- hey I-.. ARIA. WAIT FOR ME."

No, Mason.. no. nonono. NONONO. NO. DON'T LEA-too late ._.

I looked at running Mason, and turned back to Eleanor. She had her earbuds on. I don't even think she's aware that it was just the two of us.

I observed her face for a while. She has a very attractive face.. no wonder I'm falling for her.. Her eyes.. Chubby cheeks that has a nice rosy tint to it.. Cute little nose.. Her lip-

"whoops! Sorr-... Heeeeyyyyyy......."

Well that was awkward.

She apologized because she accidentally kicked leg, under the table .-. Should I say its okay, or just say "hey" back? Ooorrrr, should I say both? What do I do..?

".. uhh. I like your face."


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