««Chapter 21»»

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I saw Ele sitting alone under the tree near the lake. I wasn't really up to anything today so I decided to join her. It has been a while since I've spent time with her, or with the others, so when I saw Ele out here alone, I didn't even put a question mark on it and I just walked up to her.

Honestly? I don't know what happened. Everybody's been busy doing something, If not, finding something to do... I just wish we can all have time to spend together again soon.

"Why thank you. I try." I said, looking back out into the lake.

She had just complimented me after I complimented her. So that's good. I'm finally getting somewhere. Hah.

I hear her chuckle after I said that. I'm assuming she doesn't know what to say, so I quickly broke the ice by talking about.. the weather.

"It's a little cloudy today, do you think it'll rain?"

It might not be the best topic, but hey, better to have something odd and weird to talk about than nothing at all, right?

I look up the sky and observed the dark clouds hovering over the lake. It really is cloudy and a bit chilly for a summer day.

"Hm. Yeah, maybe..." I look at her, and she was looking up at the sky too. I watched her face scrunch up as a drop of rain landed on her cheek. I smiled.

"Well aren't you psychic." I joked. She looked at me with probably the prettiest smile I have ever seen in the entire world.

I felt more raindrops and next thing you know, it was pouring rain. Ele quickly stood up and was about to run to find a nicer source of shade than a tree, when I grabbed her by her arm, stopping her.

"And you're running away because....?" I questioned, not letting go of her arm. She tried pulling me with her, but I was too strong to move.


"C'mon, I have a better idea."

She finally stopped tugging on my arm and stood still. I let go of her arm, trusting her that she won't run away. I bowed down, and then offered my hand again.

"May I have this dance?"

She looked at me for a while. I was thinking she's not gonna take my offer, but then I saw her smile.

"Why ofcourse you may."

And with that, she took my hand and we danced to the rain.

See? Just because it's raining, doesn't mean it has to be a sad day. 

.. or is it?



I left the cabin pretty early today hoping to find something to do, A.K.A walk around the camp to find Mason so I can finally tell him how I feel about him.

I know it's kinda obvious now after what happened that night while we sat on the tree, but I thought I'd tell him properly and directly.

I walked around for a little bit more until I finally found him. He was all alone sitting by the volleyball net where we first interacted with them. I felt my heart pumping fast like it was about to pop right out of my chest, so I took a step back. I looked at him one last time and decided maybe some other time.

Nervous, ofcourse. I just couldn't go up to him for some reason. I guess I'm just scared that I'll get hurt, but really, is there a reason for me to be scared? I don't think so.

I walked back to the cabin still. Maybe I'll just hang out with Ele or Liz today and I'll just tell Mason some other time, but of course, when I got there, it was empty.

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