««Chapter 1»»

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People say that a dream is a wish your heart makes. So what about bad dreams? Nightmares? Does it mean you wish for bad intentions?

Obviously Cinderella wasn't specific enough.


Hi. My name is Aria Cavanaugh. And, I'm not a morning person. I lied in my layers of thick blankets, my eyes closed as I remained in the state of half sleep. I knew I was dreaming, and I knew I was awake. Lucid dreaming I believe is what they call it. My dream slowly became worse as reality slowly took over. The sound of my alarm clock eased into my brain, causing me to give the same reaction I do every summer morning. I rolled around, moaning, groaning, complaining, and in general, just being a total brat.

I slowly squinted my eyes open as I realized the sunlight had already entered through my window. Jeez, how long have I been sleepi-


I quickly sat up and quickly went for my phone. 10:37?! Perfect. Great. AWESOME.

I quickly forced my lazy butt out of my cozy bed, and off to the room of wonders. The bathroom. What? It's my source of pure privacy. Don't judge..

I quickly got my toothbrush out and only managed to waste 3 more minutes. After practicing proper hygienic procedures, I went back to my room. Ah great. What to wear. One of the biggest problems I face every single day. Seriously. Why is it so hard to choose a simple set of clothes? I mean, it's not like I should care if people judge me not only on my personality, but also on the clothing covering me. Oh wait, I do.

After about what seemed 5 minutes of contemplating, I gave up, and decided to go with some plaid button up and some jeans. Whatever.. I looked in the mirror, and... "Eh.." I mumbled to myself.

I went to the corner of my room, and grabbed the rolling luggage bag, and the duffel bag I had packed the night before. Plus my backpack downstairs.

I made my way to the kitchen, where my mother was leaning on the counter on her phone, obviously waiting for me to hurry my butt.

"Sorry.. I wo-" "I know I know. Just hurry up. It'll be embarrassing to be late on the first day." "I ju-..." I stopped talking, realizing I had nothing else to say.

My attention quickly went from mom, to food. The aroma of eggs and bacon had filled the room. If my mouth was open, I'd probably be drooling right now. I grabbed a plate and quickly pigged out, the way I usually would at home, where I can act as gross as I like and still be judged, but I couldn't care less.

After I finished my food, my mother helped me take my bags to the car, making sure I had everything to survive the summer. Yes, the summer.

Being Aria, I made a list of the necessities I had to be sure of. I checked off the items as I went through my bag one last time.

After my mother and I were done with our thorough baggage check, I made my way to the passenger seat, while mother was still at the trunk, doing something that lacked my interest.

I sighed as I slipped into my seat, and checked my face in the visor's mirror... I let out another sigh as the sight of my insecurities flashed in the mirror before me. I had a moment of deep breaths, and mental self-support.

"Aria. Calm down. It's just summer camp. 104 days is all. 104 days.. Of fun, outdoor activities, friends, education, memories, and....

Mason. Oh goodness.."

I quickly stopped my "pep" talk as my mother climbed in to the drivers seat.

"Okay. Everything is packed, I got the address of the camp on the GPS... Anything I'm forgetting?" "Um. Maybe you forgot that we are picking up Eleanor and Liz..?" "OOOOOOOH OH RIGHT." "Goodness.."

She laughed at me as she started the car, and pulled out of the garage.

First was Liz's house. She... Completely unlike.. muah. She looked totally under packed and unprepared. A backpack and a smaller rolling bag. Wow.

Last, and probably least was Eleanor. Her amount of stuff was moderate, but.. She seemed waaaayyy too excited for this. Whatever. It's Eleanor. What're you gonna do?

As we all sat in the car, scream singing to the radio, I couldn't stop thinking about Mason. He is going to be there.. His perfect face, Smile, Personality, Eyes, Voice, ... I sometimes I hate how much I think of him. I should stop. This is dumb. No. I can't like him. No. I shouldn't like him. No. I couldn't like him. No.

I do like him.

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