«« Chapter 22 »»

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Liz's POV

Aria sat up, staring ahead at Mason, who had just come in from the storm.

"Um.. is it okay with you Ari-" Eleanor started.

Before she could finish asking, Aria had gotten up, moving to her bunk. She removed the blanket, tucked under her mattress, which was the top of our fort.

"You guys need to go home. Neither of you should be here." Aria said, not looking at anyone.

"Oh um.." Greg looked at me, helping me stand up. "Okay.. I'll see ya." He said, forcing a smile. He gave me a quick hug and went to the door.

He stopped by Mason, still standing there.

It was quiet, so everyone was able to hear Greg speak to him.

"Dude.. What the heck is going on with you two?"

Before I could say anything about being too nosey...

"Yeah, Aria. What's going on?" Ivan had said to her.

"Ivan! You shouldn't ask that it's their business and-"

"Liz, none of us know and maybe you're a little curious too but you don't have to-"

"GUYS." Aria had yelled, halting the commotion. She looked at us all in the eyes before continuing on. "Just.. Guys, go home. You shouldn't be here." She said, eyeing Mason. "Go home.." She looked down, an expression of frustration growing on her ace.

Greg and Ivan left without a word. Mason began to follow behind them, but stopped at the door.

He turned his head, speaking over his shoulder.

"I broke up with Audrey. I... realized my mistake... I’m sorry I took so long to do something about it." He walked out, mumbling. "I'll see you."

We watched him walk in the rain in silence, until he was out of view.

We went to bed in silence, the only thing audible was the breathing of my cabin mates.

I don't know what's going on..

I fell asleep with this question on my mind, the rain continuing to fall...

* * *

Mason's POV

*earlier that day*

"... Its okay..." she said, her voice cracking.

My fingers went numb, my feet frozen to the ground beneath me. There was so much I wanted to say, to do, and to express to the girl standing in front of me in the rain. But despite my efforts, nothing in reality happened. I did nothing, watching her walk away to her cabin.

It seemed forever, standing there in the cold. It really must have been a few minutes, but it’s not like I could tell. There was a feeling in my chest that made me wish it would just make me explode already. But it didn’t. It kept me alive, living through the pain within each inhale.

I walked out of the rain. Where? I don’t know. I just walked. Somewhere. Anywhere. I rethought the moment over, and over, and over.

“Aria.. She’s in love with me.”

What I said? My god, was that wrong. But it was the truth… I do have a girlfriend. Audrey? She loves me. That’s the thing… It’s about her. It’s about what she sees that she wants. She loves me, but she’s not in love with me.

I don’t know why, but I never realized this.. This thing with Aria. I’ve always thought about her, and I never asked myself why.


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