««Chapter 23»»

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I grin as I start walking to Ele's cabin. It is quite early, but i'm hoping she's already awake. I stepped in front of their door and and knocked a couple of times. I step back and put my hands inside the front pockets of my jeans waiting for her to open the door. 

A minute hasn't even passed yet and the door already swung open giving me the perfect sight of Eleanor. 

"Hey, ready?" I asked. I honestly don't even know where i'm taking her but I guess we'll figure it out along the way. I mean, it shouldn't be that hard, we have to stay inside the camp anyways.

"Yeah! let's go." She replied with a smile. I smiled back and started walking side by side with her, hesitating to hold her hand. 

"So.. what are we doing today?" This was the question I was hoping she wouldn't ask just yet. Like I said, I have no idea. I looked around with a smile and spotted the camp's little bowling alley.

I smiled and said "...bowling."

I don't know why I said bowling. I'm not even the best at it and i'll probably just end up embarrassing myself in front of her, although I know how to.

I felt like it was something that we'll have fun doing. 

We got inside and got our shoes and balls. "Do you want to go first?" I asked.

Please say yes.. please..

"Okay.." She walked infront of me, holding the ball to her chest, just under her chin, concentrating. She swung the ball behind her while moving forward and lets go of the ball just at the right time and got a strike.


"Woah.. okay. I was kinda hoping you didn't know how so I could teach you.." I laugh, continuing "... I think you're the one who's gonna have to teach me."

"I guess we're having bowling lessons today." She laughs. I smile and nod, letting her teach me how to do it, even though I already knew how.. She held my hand and guided it to swing back, letting go of my hand when it was time for me to let go of the ball.

My plan of me teaching her how to bowl was kind of a fail, but really, the only reason why I wanted to was so I could have an excuse to hold her hand... and I still did. 

This is gonna be a great date.


*knock knock*


who in the world would be knocking on our cabin door at.. what? 6 am? goodness.

I force myself to roll out of bed to answer the door. Both of the guys aren't here so I assume it's them and don't bother to even put a shirt on. shirts are ew.

I open the door and found Liz standing infront of me. "Liz. really? this early?"

"Greg, it's 10 am.."


"Wait, what? do we have music today?"

she nods, not even looking at me, but down where everything is exposed -- my incredibly in shape body.

I laugh, holding her chin and guiding it to look at me. "Let me put a shirt on and we'll get going."

I smile, closing the door, quickly putting a shirt on. As soon as I got out, we started heading to the music cabin. Honestly hate that part of camp. the director doesn't even ask for volunteers, he just randomly pick people to sing or play the freaking trumbone in front of class.

we got there and took a seat.

oh.. yey.. singing today. greeeeaaat.

"Okay. today, I am picking a person randomly to sing up in front. No exceptions, no excuses."

I roll my eyes. I hear this speech every 2 days, alright? give me a break.

"... GREG. you're up."



"... I need to talk to you.."

I can feel my heart pounding on my chest making me breathe weird. I look up at Mason, but not being able to actually keep my eyes on his.

speak, Aria. speak.

"I can't, I'm sorry." 

I look away, turning around and started walking. I bite my lip hoping he wouldn't stop me... but unfortunately, he did.

"... please?"

I immediately stopped walking like someone cast a spell on my feet to stop and stay where it is.

I closed my eyes as I breathe out the breath I didn't realize I was holding.

"Why?" I turned around to face him, but I keep my distance.

"I haven't spoken to you at all in days... and I-"

"What's there to talk about?"


hearing the word "us" made me cringe a little. Not that it disgusts me, or that I don't like the  sound of it... it just.. reminds me of the time I decided I wanted us to exist.. and we all know how that turned out.

"There's no us, Mason." I look away.

"There's no me and Audrey either..."

"So what? you're going to me because you know I'm in love with you?"

"No! I broke up with her because I-"

I stopped him before he could finish. I purse my lips, looking at the clock behind him.

"I don't have time for this... I'll just see you around.."

I turned around and started walking away once again, but this time I didn't stop when I heard him call my name out.

I just kept walking away.

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