Louise and Horrors

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I woke up, feeling the best I probably ever had. I was not tired at all. I was waiting or something.

Well, more like someone.

I slipped sweatpants over my shorts, and threw on a sweatshirt. I pulled at my hair, making it at least look like a HUMANS hair.

I was very self conscious. ESPECIALLY about my hair.

I tiptoed to the door, (I have no idea) and creaked open the door the tiniest bit. I peered across the hall, just watching Dans door. And Phil's. It's Phil's home too, Alice. You creep.

It was 10:25 am. I decided to get completely dressed and such.

I ended up wearing a royal blue shirt and black skinny jeans. Basic.

I didn't want to bother them yet, (god, you know who, don't make me say it) so I pulled on my overcoat.

I had curled my hair, and the only makeup I wore was red lipstick to match my coat. The coat was my everything. It was the only thing I had left from my family. My mum used to wear it everyday.

I decided to stock up my kitchen with food. I love food. I really REALLY love food.

No I'm not an overweight obsessed lady. I just like food.

When I was in school, I was an anorexic. I didn't eat anything at all. And when my friends or my aunt and uncle made me eat anything, I would lock myself in the bathroom and throw it all up. I thought I was so fat. I wasn't happy until I was underweight for my height, and the lightest in my class. I like food now. I try to eat a lot to make up for all the lost years. I just stopped this 2 years ago. It still haunts me. I might skip lunch one in a while, but just because I'm busy. But I still sometimes look in the mirror, and stand on the scale for 5 minutes. And I just cry. And I think about things. Why does my life have to be so stupid?! Why do I have to be so stupid?! Would it be easier if I was just.. Dead?! Then I shake it off. I wash my face, and get on with the day.

I jumped, feeling cold air on my skin. The door was wide open. I leaned back, grabbed my bag, and walked out of the flat.

The air was crisp and cold, and it stung my eyes. I felt my nose turn pink, and I walked against the wind towards the store.

I got lost for a second, and someone told me the way to go. I soon ended up at Tesco. I picked up a basket, and walked toward the cereal aisle.

I grabbed a box of Cheerios, (I like plain cereal so I can but fruit in it) and walked toward the warm drinks aisle.

I scanned the shelves, looking for my tea, until my eyes settled on two people hugging. I looked away, it's perfectly normal. But it wasn't.

I looked back, and focused on the form hugging the blonde girl. Tan(ish), dark haired, tall....

Then they released each other, and he turned around.

Dan played with his hair, still talking to the girl behind him. His eyes made contact with my watering ones. Why was he hugging her?! I thought he liked me! Who was she?

"Alice!" He ran over to me. "What's wrong?"

I shrugged and looked at the ground. "Nothing."

Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw the girl approach us.

"Louise, this is Alice." Dan ducked down and looked at me.

I quickly wiped up the tears and stood up straight.

"Hello, Alice." She smiled, and she had a gap in between her two front teeth. It's the London look, get with it.

"Hey." I smiled weakly back.

"I'm Dan's friend." She punched him in the arm.

"Yes, we're just friends." He said, looking at my pointedly. Did he just like.. Read my mind?

"Of course! Wait.." She grinned. "Are you two.."

Dan cut her off. "Louise, weren't you heading to the cash register?"

He turned from me, and Louise's face changed to a trying-to-hide-it-but-failing smile.

"Yep! Bye, guys."She grabbed a pen from her purse and wrote her phone number on my arm before she left is alone.

"Alice, me and Phil are gonna rent a horror tonight.. Would you like to watch it with us?" He looked at me.

"Sure. I love horrors." I turned around. I jumped back around, yelling "boo!"

Dan stood in the same exact position, but his arms were crossed, and there was a smirk set on his face. "Ha, you'll have to do better then that." And he walked away.

10 hours later

I knocked on their door, now dressed in a comfy grey Harry Potter shirt and black leggings. I didn't even have on shoes, just bright green fluffy socks.

Dan answered the door, and his face lit up immediately. "C'mon, Alice. I was about to go get you if you hasn't come in 5 minutes!"

I padded in, and Phil was adjusting the DVD player.

He straightened up, and looked at us

standing next to each other. His eyes widened. He looked confused and curious.

"What?" Dan asked him.

"You two look exactly alike." He circled around us like a wolf circles their prey.

"Yup, you could be twins." He said, posing like the statue "the thinker".

"You have the same color eyes, and hair. Same skin tone. Both tall, and skinny. And.."

He smiled manically. "And the same dimples."

Me and Dan immediately turned to each other and studied each other's faces. Phil was right.

We sat down, and Phil turned out the lights and played the movie.

I snuggled up against Dan, and stole some of his popcorn.

"Hey!" He said, and poked me.

"shhh!" I giggled, and turned my attention to the screen.

At the scary parts, I would bury my face in Dans shoulder, and he would tell me when it was over.

Two hours later, the movie was over, and I was scared to death. I never got scared of horrors, but this one was bad.

I picked at my fingernail, and worked up the nerve. Finally I blurted out: "Can I stay here tonight?"

"Are you scared?" Phil asked.

"No, just umm.." I scanned my brain for an excuse. Nothing came.

"Yeah, a bit." I looked Dan.

"Of course you can. You'd get scared in your place all by yourself. But you'll have to stay on the couch." I nodded.

"Well, I'm really tired. Night guys." Phil lumbered down the hall, and into his bedroom.

"Dan?" I whispered.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Can you please stay with me?" I started at the ground, scared of his answer.

"Of course." He laid on the couch and I snuggled in front of him. He pulled the blanket over us, and I tuned to face him. He brushed the hair out of my face.

"Alice?" He asked me, as I closed my eyes.


I set my head on his chest.

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?"

I moved my head slightly.


He wrapped his arms around me and held me to his warm body.

I feel asleep almost instantly.

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