The Plan

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I'm excited to write this part, I'll probably update a lot!

Being the sweet Phil he is, Phil refused to break us up. He told Dan what happened, and we all were very attentive. Then one night, were all at their place playing just dance. It's me vs Dan, and Phil was getting a drink of water, thirsty from all the exorcize. We heard knocking on the door, and I paused the game.

"I got it!" Phil yelled, taking a big gulp of his water, and walking over to the front door. In about 5 seconds total, Phil opened the door, got shot in the head, and died. I screeched, and Dan stood in front of me.

"STOP!" He yelled. We heard the gun go off again, and it hit me in the exact same place it did before, last week. I immediately melted to the ground.

"ALICE!" Dan fell to his knees and looked over me.

The gun went off one more time. I saw the bullet come out the other end of Dan's head. He looked right at me, and his dead body collapsed onto my almost dead one.

Then I woke up.

It was 5:00 in the morning, so the room was completely dark.

Of course, I had to remember the horror I watched with Dan and Phil. I felt so exposed. I huddled into a ball, and rocked back and forth.

I needed to do something about this. I'm horrible at keeping secrets. But who should I tell? I can't tell Dan, he will be so mad at Phil. I cannot let that happen. And I don't have really have any other friends in London yet.

Then I remembered the grocery store. I can call Louise! I had put the contact on my phone when she wrote it on my arm.

I grabbed my phone that sat next to my mattress. I quickly turned on the flashlight, creating a beam of light, and I wasn't as scared. I took a deep breath before calling her. I didn't really know her.. Am I sure I can trust her? Also, it was 5 in the morning.

She answered on the second ring.

"Alice! I was waiting for your call, but maybe just not at this time or day." I cracked a smile. She sounded wide awake.

"Hey, Louise. I have something really important to tell you." This was really troubling me. No time for small talk.

"Lord. Okay, shoot." She gasped. "SORRY! Wrong choice of words." I laughed, hoping to show her it was okay. "After this, we need to talk about what happened there. But now just tell me." The phone went silent, and all I heard were her anticipating breaths.

"Well, it's all kind of the same story." I started out.

I told her the whole story. From the first second Thomas knocked on the door, till today (well yesterday), when I came back home.

The line was silent, I could tell Louise was shocked. Phil's the sweetest person ever. But he's doing it for our own good..

"What do I do?" I sobbed out to Louise. In the process of telling her the story, I had started to cry.

Why do I cry so fucking much?!

The room started to brighten, it was about 7:00 now. I took a long time telling Louise the story. And at some point, my phone died. It took me about half an hour to work up the guts to get up and get my charger. Then I used the toilet. And I didn't want to leave the bathroom.

"It's a very hard decision. But I think you should tell Dan. Phil really hasn't done anything drastic to break you guys up yet, has he?" She asked.

"No.." I choked out.

"Then he shouldn't get so mad. I think it's for the greater good. Alice." Louise sounded upset. "How about me, you, and those two all meet up today? It'll be fun."

I agreed, and was told to tell Dan and Phil we were to meet Louise at Starbucks at 9:30.

I hung up my phone, and looked at the time of the call. 1 hour (the other from before it died), 17 minutes, 2 seconds.

In those hours, I made up my mind. It's kind of like Louise's.. But not really.

I will tell Dan if Phil does do something drastic, if he hadn't already noticed. Because Phil might not do what Thomas said.

We'll have to wait and see.

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