Here We Go

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Alice's birthday, for my birthday! (Today's my 13th birthday)




I coughed, stretching away from Dan's arms. He groaned in protest, pulling me back into him.

"GUYSSSSSSS!" I cracked open an eye to see Phil dancing in the open door frame.

"Guys, guys, guys! I totally forgot! Next week we have playlist live! And we're aloud to bring Alice with us!"

This got my attention!

"What's a playlist live?" I asked, siting up and rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"It's this convention when a bunch of youtubers go to somewhere in the USA and meet fans and do live shows and it's so fun and we get to see all our American friends and hang out and party and-" Phil took a deep breath. "-You can come with us!"

"Ugh." Dan lifted himself up and put his head on my shoulder, putting all his wait on mine.

"You don't like playlist live?" I asked, pushing him off me.

"No, I do. I just don't want people to bother you. Your mine. People will notice you and how cute you are."

"Dan, no! Stop saying thatttt." I laid back down next to him, and pushed the fringe out of his face.

"Your the one I should be worried about." I kissed him slowly, until I finally pulled away with a urgent thought.

"Wait, is it next weekend?!"

"Well part of it is, yes. Why?" Phil walked over and sat on the edge of the bed awkwardly.

"The 22nd is my birthday." I stated bluntly.

"Oh my god." Dan sat up like a robot.

"That's Tyler Oakley's birthday also!"

Tyler Oakley.. Lavender haired YouTuber, "ler" part of troyler, queen if America wasn't a democracy.. I've seen quite a few of his videos.

"Is he nice?" I asked to both of them.

"Yeah, pretty." They agreed.

"Hmm." I snuggled up against Dan, closing my eyes. "But I'm broke. Remember, I just moved here, and all my savings were spent on the college I dropped out of. Now the rest of my money is saved for my flat." I sincerely wished I could go, but tickets to America were really expensive.

"They gave us an extra ticket! And if our parents wanted to go, I'm sure they could pay themselves." Dan said. My heart immediately lifted. Really? They would take me?

"But we just went on our first date!" I said.

"Shut up. For me, I loved you the same amount for the two or three weeks we weren't together. So suck it up, your going."

I didn't know exactly how to respond to Dan's remark there. So I went with a simple "fine."

"Yaaaaaay!" Phil danced some more. "Holiday to America!"


"When, again?" I asked, finally getting up out of the bed.

"Next weekend!" Phil said. "Your birthhhhdayyyyy." He skipped out of the room.

I flicked Dan and grabbed my clothes. "Ow." He whined as I left the room to get back to my flat.

I've never been to The United States. My aunt and uncle never let me go.

I threw on some clothes, and decided to- (I bet you can guess) call Louise.

"Alice!" She answered.

"Hey, Louise. So have your heard of playlist live?" I asked

"But of course!"

"Well, are you going this year?"


"So am I."

She squealed. "Yay! Are Dan and Phil taking you?"

"Yup! And guess what the best/worst part is?"

"Uh-oh, what?" I heard her rapping her fingernails from the other end of the phone.

"It's my birthday on the 22nd."

"Like Tyler!" She exclaimed. "Wait! Aww, are you turning 22?"

"Yeah." I said, glad I wasn't talking to her in person, my cheeks where bright red. I hate having attention on me.

"Are we gonna celebrate?" she asked hopefully.

"I wasn't planning on it.." I trailed off.

"Well, change your plans. We can.. like, celebrate your birthday at the same time as Tyler's."

No way.

"Um Louise, you know I don't know one of those people other then you, Dan, and Phil?! That would be the most awkward thing ever."

"Well I guess you'll have to meet them. You know what, I'm gonna text Tyler right now and tell him he has a birthday buddie. And I'll give him your number."

"No! Louise that's so embarrass-"

"Sent!" She said.

"I hate you." I sighed.

"It needed to be done. He'll love you! He loves everyone." She sounded content.

"Ughhhhhh. Okay, I don't wanna be super awkward. Even though I already am."

I heard her voice turn serious. "People will expect you to eat. You have to. Your skinny enough."

"Okay, I'll eat." I lied right to her face. Well not really her face.

"Good. I have to go, I'll talk to you tomorrow." The line went dead.

Well here we go.

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