Deep Dark Secrets

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Marks pov
I didn't leave Jack's bedside all the while he was cooped up in the hospital. I didn't care if I missed two weeks of work or patrol (that's how long I was there), the only time I left was to take care of myself. Oh god, he'd been in a coma for two whole weeks! Ken pitched in with the medical bills because he felt guilty about... Well shooting him... But I could care less. I heard a click from the door and jumped in my seat. It was Felix. "What?" I tried to sound aggressive but it sounded more like a whine. "I came to see Jack." I gasped mentally and whipped my head to the side. "How did you know I called him that." Felix looked at me with sympathetic eyes. "He might've not told you this but... We were friends." Ok this time I gasped. "I used to live in Brighton,England. And Jack would visit anytime he got the chance. I thought he liked me but, that was before the whole bi thing." I nodded, signaling for him to keep telling. "Anyway, my girlfriend,Marzia, wanted to move to LA because she got a fashion designer job here or something, and we drifted apart after a few years. Little did I know he moved to America too, But for a completely different reason." "What reason?" His eyes started to gloss over. I dont know why. "He met this guy online I think his name was...Pj? Or something, and he lived in LA. So Jack moved here to be with him but the relationship didn't last long." By now he was crying and I was eaten up with curiosity. "Why?" I lokked at him with a reassuring face. "He caught PJ with a girl,Emma, and he moved out into his own house and never saw him again. I guess his loneliness finally caught up with him." Felix was a sobbing mess right now and even I was crying. I still had one more question. "How do you know this?" He wipes his face and looks at me. "I bumped into him once and we caught up." He forced back tears and I stroked his back. Calming him and me. "How did you meet him?" His ice blue eyes now red and puffy. "Prepare for a story." He let a small chuckle out and I started my story.
Time skip!!
I didn't realize it was four o'clock and visiting hours were over. Felix had to leave and I thanked him for coming. We stood up and said our goodbyes but not without a hug. "Bye Felix." "Bye bro." I laughed and slid back in my chair, tired as all hell.
Jacks pov
I had woken up slightly and saw Felix in my room. Or at least I think it was Felix. Bleach blonde hair, blue eyes, and casual wear. Black overalls and a pink sweater. That's what he looked like. He stood up and gave Mark and hug. I could feel my face grow hot with jealousy. At this point I'm surprised I could feel anything. I mustered up enough energy to say a few words. "Ma-rk wh-o was that?" He literally jumped from his seat and started crying my name. "Sean! Thank god!! You're ok!" He held my handed and was rubbing little circles on it. "Wh-o wa-s that?" I mustered again hoping he'd understand me this time. "Oh uh.. That was... Felix." I knew it. That meatball!!
(A.N:Ha! Get it?! No? Ok...) I don't know why I was angry but next thing I know doctors were everywhere asking me questions. "I swear I'm fine." The doctors stepped back and asked to see Mark. I tried to sit up and managed to do so. That's when it started. Hello Seán... Oh shit... I threw up a black substance and fell back on the bed. "What Seán? To weak to say hello?" I looked up and what I saw terrified me. It was me but... Darker... He had gauges in his ears, green hair like mine, a diamond blue eye on the right and a green eye copy on the left. A shock collar around his pale neck and a gun in a holster, a green hoodie with brown pants. His voice had my Irish accent but heavier and it sounded glitchy.
"Wha-what the fuck?!" I shivered ask he spoke. His voice interfering with all the tech in the room. "Don't you recognize me? I've been your little 'diary' since you could talk. I am you, your dark side, my name is Antisepticeye." "Who the-" he put his hand over my mouth and vanished into a cloud of green dust just as Mark walked into the room with a pale face, like he'd just witnessed a murder. He was visibly shaking and heavy breathing. "Mark? Are you ok?" He looked at me and his eyes glossed over but he didn't shed a tear. "Seán, I-ah... The doctor said that you have something in your abdomen. They don't know what but... It could be- .... Deadly." I shook my head violently and started screaming. "No! No I won't tell he'll think I'm crazy!" Then something darker came. "Ha! As if he doesn't think that already. Right Markimoo?" Then it stopped. I looked at Mark who was terrified and slowly stepping back. "Mark wait!" He ran out the door and I started sobbing. I started to hack up the black goop and a green smoke followed it. "Such a pity, I wanted to say hi." "What do you want you sadistic FUCK?!" "Now Seán, you can't judge me if you don't know me." Anti cooed with spit in his face. He wiped it and growled. "What do you see in him? Why do you love him? You don't know him and yet you gav-"  I slapped him. "I love him because he's not like anyone else! He's not like PJ and all the other heartbrakes!" He laughed and stepped closer. I felt his breath on my face and I started back looking as aggressive as possible. "There it is, the name I haven't heard in 10 years." He slapped me with his palm leaving my face swollen. "Say it again ya dickface!" Mark barged in at the right time, his jaw dropped to the floor. "Jack, who the hell is this."
Shit, I'm going ta have to explain everything to him...

Oh my god!!! Drama, Secrets, and- uh nothing else. I didn't have much inspiration for this chapter but then it didn't stop! Lol! I'm sorry I haven't been updating like I should but I had writers block. Anyway as always...
Haters gonna Hate
Potatoes gonna Potate!
Peace and Love readers!!
Wow... 1137 words.. So many words!

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