(27) Where are you? P.2

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Marks pov

I had assembled everyone at the station after 48 hours of waiting. (You actually have to wait 48 hours. Ikr!)  "Listen up LAPD! We have a missing persons report."  The room went silent.  "Seán William Mcloughlin. Likes to be called 'Jack' went missing on May 27,2017. Last known whereabouts, [insert address]."  Someone raised their hand. "Ken."  "Isn't he your boyfriend and the hacker we were supposed to arrest?"  "That aside Morrison."  He rolled his eyes as I continued to lecture the staff about the case. "Got it?" They all nodded as I stopped speaking. "Hop to it guys. Leave no stone unturned."  I pray to God he's ok.
Where are you Jack?
*time skip brought to you by endlessly clicking at computer files!*
Still nothing. No one has found anything. Not even me. I was getting no results until my phone rang. Not my office phone, my mobile.  I picked it up and looked at the name. "JACK!" I immediately answered. Big mistake. "Hello?"
"Long time no talk Mark."

Jacks pov

I woke up chained to a wall. Classic. I searched the room. Dark and small. Classic yet again. I knew calling out wouldn't do anything but I needed to know where I was and who was with me and/or running whatever the fuck this is.
"Hello? I know this is cliche but who are you and where am I?"  "Well you're smart. Hi Seán." The lights were turned on. At the end of the room stood two women, and three men. They all looked so familiar.  "So I assume you're going to introduce yourselves and tell me what you're planning to do?" I smirked at myself for watching so many movies and living with a cop. "I guess we have to, knowing you just said what we had in mind."

A girl stepped forward. She had short, brunette hair, a lean figure and all black clothes. Her makeup was detailed with eyeliner and red lipstick. She had blue eyes which complimented her hair. 'What are you saying Jack?! You have no sense of style!' She spoke up. "I'm Wiishu. The leader of 'this'." She pointed to a slim blonde girl. She had all black clothes blonde hair, and pale skin. Her makeup wasn't exactly, flawless but hey!, I'm not a girl. She had brown eyes that, again, went with her complection and hair. "I'm Peebles. Second in command." 'Weird names.'
One of the three guys in the back coughed. Wiishu looked back at them, "These are our helpers. Wade,Bob,and Aaron." 'Wade? Aaron?! Never seen Bob before but weren't the other two at the station?' "Hey Jack. Remember me?" Wade stepped closer to me and slapped me. 'Oh, him.' "How you doing Wade?"  "Aaron, Bob."

"Ok enough chat. Do you know why you're here,Jack?"  "Not a clue. Although, the chains could go." "One, No. Two, you're here because of Mark."  'Shit...' "What about him?"  Wiishu laughed. 'Jeez, for a girl, she sure is scary.' "Mark's girlfriend. Who and Where is she?"  "Excuse me?" "Do I need to repeat myself?"  She stepped closer to me. "You're cute Jack, shame to see you hurt." My eyes widened. "I-I don't know w-what you're t-talking about."  She groaned out of frustration. "Ames! Get over here."  The blonde came over and knelt down. "Mark, he has a girlfriend right?"
"N-no.."  "Is he single?" "No.."  "Do you know his partner?"  "Yes." "Who is she?"  I felt my soul sink out of my body and replaced with something else...  Anti.  "You're lookin at him Bitch!" I got a punch in the gut and back into reality.  I look up to see the ladies in shock and Aaron standing over me with an insanely smile. "So.. Mark-senpai is gay? Mark-senpai doesn't love Amy-chan?" "Yandere much?" Amy held out a knife. 'Oh fuck no! I may be pregnant but I still have my gun!' I let Anti out in fear for mine and his life. All I saw before I blacked out (cause Anti kinda forced his way out and it takes a lot of energy.) was Green smoke, screams, sobs, and gunshots. No final words or anything.

Marks pov

Three days. Three days of pacing, news reports, and tracking, still nothing. Not a paper, not an e-mail, not a call. Nothing.  I was sitting at my desk holding my head in my hands. Dark didn't leave. Then again, Dark didn't do anything. Both of us barely did anything since Jack and Anti went missing. Almost never sleeping, eating small meals, and practically living on coffee. All we did was sit in my office, depressed. That is, until we got a phone call. It was on my mobile saying 'blocked number.' I answered it hoping for the best. And I got it.
"Mark? Mark are you there?!" "Anti! Where's Jack? Is he okay?" "He's fine, tired, but fine." "Thank god."  I put my hand to my heart and inhaled deeply. (Kill me. My brain has no 'dirty thoughts' off switch.)  
I saw Dark run up to me and tried to take my phone. He failed like a child trying to reach the cookie jar.  "Where are you two?" "No clue. Everyone here is dead. I had too. I had bo choice." "Calm down. We can trace your call. Ok?" "Is it weird that killing again felt good? Like, I felt guilty but, it felt amazing to shed blood again." "Antisepticeye focus! Is your location services on?" "Ya." "Good. Now stay outta trouble you little shit." "Yes sir. Also, can ya tell Dark I love him and he doesn't have to worry?"  "Love you too Anti. And, I'll try."  "Ok, got my team on it. We'll see you in about an hour and a half. Bye Anti." "Bye!" "Try not to stress ok?" "Got it! Bye!" I hung up. Dark sat down in his seat farther and breathed a sigh of relief.  "Okie Dokie then. Let's roll." "Fine.." He turned into smoke and shot into me. "Nice one." I said half choking. I walked out of the room and whistled, signaling everyone. "Let's go! We got something." Everyone started cheering and running to the van. Only a few people came. People of my choice that is. Ken, Cry, Felix, Michelle, Kristen, Dan, Phil, and me. We all piled into the van and talked game plan while Ken and Felix drove. Felix still stayed with us, but was out more. Grim was less air headed and more... thoughtful of what he did/said. We arrived at the location. That was fast. "Ready people?" They all shouted 'yes sir' in unison. Perfect. "Let's go." We all stepped out and were in shock of where we were. The middle of the woods in front of a huge warehouse. 'How the hell..' "Alright people, like we talked. No one shoot unless shot at. Got it?" I looked at Dan with a pleased look. 'Nice Dan.' I like it when people show leadership skills. We all went inside and started searching. I had no idea where anyone was until my walkie went off. "Sir, found him." "Thanks Felix." I ran in his direction.

Anti's pov

I sat with Jack. Occasionally staring at the bodies and ocean of blood on the floor. It actually felt amazing to kill again. That rush of adrenaline you get when you pull the trigger. The desire for more as the body hits the floor. (Let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor, let the bod-
It's just a thrill. I was snapped out of my phsyco thoughts when Jack shuffled around waking up. As his eyes opened I fished around in my pockets for a key I found in one of the bodies pockets.  I finally found it and unchained him. Jacks arms fell to his sides as he layed on the floor, still exhausted from me forcing my way out. He was laying on his side softly snoring. I just sat there staring at him for a few minutes. I stared at him like a sleeping child. I ran my fingers through my dark green hair and sighed.  Was I ready for a family yet? Will I be a good father? Will Dark be a good father? "Anti?"
I was snapped out of my thoughts with a Swedish accent. "Hi Felix." "Are you crying? Is Jack ok? Are you ok?" I was fine. Wait. Was I crying? I lifted a hand up to my face and sure enough, it was wet with tears. "Me and Jack are fine. As for those guys, I wouldn't say anything." I pointed behind me at the bloodbath. "Ok. We'll get someone in here for them." Felix  grabbed his walkie and talked into it. Probably calling someone over. Sure enough within 15 minutes, Mark came into the room. With Dark right beside him.

3rd person pov

While Jack was being woken up by Mark and Felix, Dark and Anti were talking and maybe playing in the ocean of blood on the floor. When Jack finally woke up, everyone exited the room for the paramedics to come in. The bodies were taken out and the scene was cleaned. Everyone went home safe and sound. The bodies were identified and the police contacted the families for funeral arrangements. Turns out that Wiishu's real name is Singe and she had been stalking Jack for years!
Everyone got home safely and returned to normal lives.

Until one week later...


Muhahaha!! I'm the worst. 
Anyway, I really wanted to make a long chapter so I could build up the wait for the next chapter.  It's gonna be a while cause I like to torture my readers! 😈
Holy shit.. I just looked out of my window and there us a shit ton of birds outside! Go home ya crazies!!
Haters gonna Hate!
Potatoes gonna Potate!
Peace and Love readers!!

Word count: 1,661 :)

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