(24) Long time no see

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Jacks pov
I put my foot on the brake at a red light and ran a quick hand through my green hair. Felix had called me and asked if he could stay for a few nights. Him and Marzia "need some space", bullshit. I try to focus on road but it's no use as my mind was swarmed with questions. What happened? When did it happen? Why did it happen? I'm brought to reality with a car's horn, or rather, several cars. The light had turned green and once again I press my foot down slightly, putting the car in motion.

*time skip!Brought to you by LA traffic*

I pull into the swedes driveway. I look out the window to see him on the porch with a gray suitcase next to him. He looked up from his phone and waved to me. "Hurry up ya meatball!" He put his suitcase in the back seat and hopped up front. *that's yooper talk for 'sat in the passenger seat'*.  "Out of everyone you know, why did you call me?!" I was very confused and curious. "One, I wanted to see you! Two, because you'll understand.."
I looked over at him for a second to flash a worried look. "U-Understand? Understand what exactly?"
He looked up at me with tears rimming his eyes. The looked pink, like he had been.... crying before.
"Se- Jack... I'm gay." The news hit my like a tidal wave. Before I knew it we were on the side of the road with Felix by my side, big tears galling on his lap but not sobbing or even making a sound. "How- When- Are-" No words came out. "When did you find out?"  "I think it's been about, a year and a half. When I was around Marzia, I didn't feel that spark anymore. I thought I was falling out of love but... It was something else." I turned in my seat and engulfed my long time friend in a hug. I didn't know what else to do. I pulled back and started the car up again, keeping my eyes on the road and hands on the wheel.   'Oh great, now we have to deal him!? You do know he has a demon too right?'    'Yes! Now shut up so I can drive!'   "So... You have a demon, ghost, counter part?"  He turns in my direction with a 'how the hell did you know' face. "H-How-" "I have one too, So does Mark so don't be afraid."  He reached for my hand that was resting on my lap. "Thank you Jack."   "So, what's his/her name?" Felix looked at my and cracked up, I wasn't being serious or being funny or cocky, I wanted to know and lighten the mood. "HIS name is Grimdiepie. Or just Grim."  Ok then, now I know.  "Can you let him out?"   "Hells yeah! Do you want to meet him?"   "Not now, wait till we're home." 'He says as he pulls into the driveway.'   "We're here."  We got out of the car and walked up to the door. Mark wasn't home so naturally, he locked the door. We walked into the living room which, to absolutely no surprise, was empty. No one was here except me and Felix. "So! You wanna meet Grim?" He said clapping his hands and rubbing them together. "Sure. If you wanna meet Anti. Oh by the way, he's a little... emotional.."  "Ok hang on."  Felix walked up to the closest mirror and looked in. Not seeing his own reflection, but another person.... Grim.

Felix pov
I looked into the mirror and saw the one person that's been looking back at me since I was 15. His eyes were black but with blue pupils. His blue sleeveless shirt stopped at his chest and all that supported it was the shirt collar that wrapped around his neck. Same shaded blue sleeves that aren't connected to his shirt almost reached his shoulders. They reached to his fingers but exposed his knuckles and the tips of his fingers. His hair was the same color as mine before I decided to dye it. Gray jeans reached his v-line and were torn at the knees. Dark blue boots went to just below his knees. And, unlike me, he was fit. Muscles bulging out of his shirt, and since it stopped at his pecs, you could clearly see his 6-pack. "HeLlO FeLIx.." "Hey Grim. Wanna come out?"   "WHy nOT. I'm A LiTtlE sICk oF beInG  iN TheRE."   "Thought as much."   I reached in the glass and grabbed Grim's hand. Pulling him out I noticed that the room filled with a blue mist. It didn't cling to your skin like normal mist would but it felt cold and wet. Humid almost. Grim stood in front of me looking around as though it had been 1,000 years since his feet had touched carpet or since he had a physical form. "How do you feel?"  "FaNTastIC!"   (My girlfriend got me into  Doctor Who so I'm sorry if I over use the word "fantastic".)  I turned around to see two Jacks!  "A-Am I missing something or.?."   "Felix, this is Anti." He pointed to the one standing next to him.  He had Jacks green hair but one eye was the normal Jack blue and the other was green with a blue iris. He had on a.... shock collar?! Why did he have a shock collar on?! Past that was a green and brown hoodie and black skinny jeans. Black vans and a gun in a holster. He was a little big in the torso area but I didn't care.  "Hey Anti! I'm-"  "Felix, I know. I'm in that little shits head remember?"   "Oh ya.. Forgot." I looked behind me to see Grim looking around and touching things like glass on a window or the flowers in a vase. I called him over to meet Anti but it went straight down the toilet.  "hOW dId YUo Get PRegnAnT? sEriOusLY?!"
Anti instantly teared up and ran out. I had no idea he was... What? "Jack! Anti?! I'm- Felix?" I turn around and am met with Mark. "H-Hey"
"What are-"   "HE NEEDS TO LEAVE!!!"  Red smoke emerges from Mark. "Anti!"   W-Who.. What..
I passed out.
Hey guys..... Sorry I haven't updated in like a month but we're moving, and my friends are constantly breaking down, my girlfriend got me obsessed with Doctor Who AND Hetalia!
Imma just keep apologizing like the Canadain I am.

Haters gonna Hate!
Potatoes gonna Potate!
Peace and Love readers!!

Also, uh, Please give me more baby suggestions, please!? We're approach that chapter soon and, I need some suggestions and/or what not.

Ok bye for real.

(Word count: 1132)

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