(22) Forgetful Much?

198 7 3

Haha!! Different title style!!
Ok on with the story....

Mark's pov
It's been a while since I've been to the station and honestly, I was a little nervous. Cheif Robert left to god knows where and left me in charge for lord knows how long! Me!! Why? Everyone at the station also forgot about Jack. That's a pro I guess.. I stop thinking to myself and pull in to the LAPD parking lot. When I walked into the building everyone looked exhausted but happy to see me. "Hey Mark! Good to see ya back." I know that accent. Ken looks at me like sorry for shooting your boyfriend. I smile like it's ok because it is. I then see Felix. That Swedish meatball. "Hey Mark! How's Seán?" "Just fine Fe." He smiles like I just cracked the biggest joke ever. "That's good, coming from you." Oh! Now I know why he's been smiling like a school girl who just got laid. We walk to my office which no longer says 'LAPD Cheif Robert' instead it says 'LAPD Cheif Mark Fischbach.' I smiled huge at the tag and walked in, new furniture was everywhere and a few house plants in a corner or so. I looked at the desk in the middle of the room. It was oak with a dark glossy finish a red satin (satin not satan!) chair and a brand new black pc moniter. Ah that new computer smell. "How did you guys do this?" I turn to Felix who explains that Robert left some thousand dollars to upgrade or redecorate the station. Thoughtful. Felix leaves me to my work with a simple "see ya later Cheif Mark." That title made shivers run down my spine, he closed the door and I went to my desk and immediately sat down in the blood red satin swivel chair. I spun around in it but stopped when a familiar hard lump went up my throat and I started coughing like I was drowning. My eyes started to water when I wouldn't stop, someone knocked on my door and asked if I was ok. A deep voice was behind the door who , I presume, belong to Ryan or, as we like to call him, Cry. "I'm *cough cough* fine Cry." He left just as red smoke filled the room and formed a silhouette none other than Dark. "What Dark?" I was breathing heavily as he walked around in awe like nothing happened. "Just wanted to pop in and check out life." "You're a part of me! Don't you know how my life is?" He faced me with red eyes and not his eyes when he gets mad, red eyes like he's been crying. Did Anti do something? "Dark are you ok?" He wiped his semi-wet eyes before answering. "Nothing is ok anymore. Not right now and not ever again." What the hell does he mean? "Did Anti do something?" He shook his head no and sat down in the chair in front of me. "No I did it" "What did you do?" "I don't remember." "Forgetful much?" "All I know is that I broke the boundaries and..." "And what?" "I-I c-can't" I knew this was bad so I decided to call Jack and see if Anti said anything. *ring ring* *ring ri-* Hello? "Jack are you there?" "Mark!! Thank god!! We have a huge issue.." "What!?!"

Jack pov; earlier...
I was sitting on the couch scrolling through social media with everyone bitching about the new rodrick or pineapple pizza. (Sorry but wtf is that shit about?) I started feeling sick and a need to throw up. I ran to the bathroom and hovered over the porcelain bowl. I felt a ball in my throat rise but it felt like concrete coming up. Green mist mixed with the black goop that fell into the toilet. My eyes watered and my throat stung. Something was wrong with Anti once I was able to see him. His hair was tangled, he was super skinny, like I could see his cheek bones and ribs, his eyes were red and puffy like he's been too busy crying to take care of himself. I honestly felt bad for him, well he was a part of my mind, soul, and physical being. "Anti are ye ok?" "No I'm not.. AnD i NeVEr wIll bE aGaIN!" "Whoa, Whoa! What happened?" I tried my best to be soothing and I think it worked. "Dark... He- He left m-me.." Motherfucker!! He's gonna get it. Calm down Seán! "Why would he do that?" "B-Because I'm-I'm p-pregnant.." By now he wasn't mad or worried or anything, he was just sobbing his demonic brains out, and me? I was left in a state of shock, sitting on the bathroom floor, leaning my head against the wall with a million things running through my head. How? When? WHAT?! I was so in my thoughts that I didn't notice Anti snuggled up to me sleepily crying into my arm. Huh.. Up until now I never noticed how much of a brother Anti was to me... God I hope he's gonna be ok. And what about Dark, what are they gonna do? My phone rang. Caller ID? Mark. Oh. My. God. I answered it and brought it to my ear. By now Anti had fallen asleep and was softly snoring and occasionally hiccuping. Mark's voice came from the other line. "Hello?" "Jack are you there?!" "Mark! Thank god! We have a huge issue!" "What?!" I sighed before answering. "Anti's pregnant.." He gonna kill me later. "What?!!! Really?!" "Ya.. Crazy right?" "It's hella crazy!" "Ya it is. Hey can you come home so we can talk about this with Anti and Dark?Sure baby. Be there soon." I hung up and looked at Anti before scooping him up bridal style and put him on the couch waiting for Mark and Dark. I was still gonna lecture Dark about knocking up my Anti.

Hello people!! Now before anyone kills me, please bare with me. I thoughy this would turn out cute and fluffy so please, put down your knives and pitchforks and hammers and whatnot so I can take 3 seconds to through my phone off a cliff and hide in a bomb shelter. Also if we get to 500 reads I will do a face reveal and plese check out my rant/update book. Thnx and I love you!

Bye my little demons!!

*hides under table* please don't kill me..
I knew this would happen..

Also 1104 words, this is kinda normal now.

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