Once Again

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Marks pov
I spent almost all the night reading the messages Amy sent me and not replying. What was I going to do? I couldn't just text her and say 'stop spamming me! I'm gay and in a relationship!' So what did I do? I texted her telling her where to meet. But why did she start texting me now?! Ugh... We'll see tomorrow.
Time skip!! (the next morning)
I hated lying to Jack, especially when it came to things like this. I told Amy we could meet up in a park about a mile or so from my house. (For no reason in particular!) oh ya... I almost forgot about Dark and Anti. 🙄. I parked the car and walked over to a bench where I saw a blondie with blue eyes and light pink lipstick, and, I'm no fashion expert but, the purple eyeshadow did not look good with what she was wearing. I rolled my eyes and trudged over to her. "Mark!!" She shot up and hugged me. It took me completely by surprise and I almost let out a squeal but just gasped. "How long has it been since I seen your face you smol bean?" Ya long time no see bitch! Why was I angry? Jealous? Protective? I don't know!! She stepped back and ran her hand through my red hair. "It's been about 4 months." I fought back the urge to insult her. Why the hell was I feeling this way? That's when I had a coughing fit. Black ooze escaped my mouth and a familiar burning rose in my stomach. I threw up the black liquid and fell on my ass, my vision blurred like I had lost my glasses. I heard Amy scream which made me jump to my feet, staggering, and pushed Dark aside. "The hell bro?!" "Don't you remember what this bitch did to you before Ja-" I cut him off with a slap on the mouth, not hard just a slight slap. "Yes I remember Dark, but STAY THE FUCK OUTTA THIS!! please?" He disappeared in a blood red cloud and Amy collapsed to the ground. "Hey.. You ok?" She looked at me like I had punched her eye out or something. "Who or what the actual fuck was that?!" "Dark. Anyway why did you contact my now? Like in this stage of my life?" "I wanted to see you again or maybe see you again?" I clenched my fists and blushed slightly, then I remembered Jack. "Sorry but I'm in a relationship." "Really?! Who is she?!" I was about to speak when I remembered that one outing me and Amy had when I first became a cop. (A.N. That was like 6 years ago)
Flashback sequence:
We went out to a club to celebrate and she saw a couple dancing out on the dance floor and they were two guys just have fun and getting drunk. Now normally I wouldn't have a problem with it but my 'girlfriend' had to open her fat mouth and scream, "FAGS!!" From across the room which resulted in a literal bitch fight.
End or flashback
"Mark? Hello? Earth to Fischbach!!" I jumped at her voice and looked at her. "Well who is she?" "Uh... Her name is Jaquline." That was close enough to Jack right? "Oh I'd love to meet her!! She's so lucky. Why did I leave you?" I started giggling. "I left your cheating slut ass. Remember?" I covered my mouth and stared at Amy. "That wasn't me I Swear it wasn't!!" My voice starting switching between mine and Darks. I shook my head. "Besides, that wouldn't be a good idea." I looked at my watch. "Well bye!" I got up and strode over to my black suburban. I heard heels click and a feminine voice call after me. I turned and Amy was a good 10 inches from me. "What bitch?" It felt so good to say those words. She crashed her lips into mine, I yelped into the kiss and tried to push away but her hands were on either side of my hips gripping the open window sill of my car. When she pulled away for air I pushed her back and got in my suburban. Turning on the engine I saw her start to speed walk up to me, I hit the gas pedal and flipped her off driving away.
Back to my Jack.  (A.N. Yeah you know where this was goin!)

Jacks pov
I saw Mark pull into the driveway rather fast and frantic, like he just killed someone. When he came through the door he was breathing rapidly and visibly shaking. "Mark? You ok hun?" He looked at me and ran to me, hugging me. "I'm so sorry Jack. I'm sorry I lied." I was so confused. "What?" He pulled away. "I lied to you about where I was going. I went to the park to talk to my ex girlfriend and she hit on me and kissed me a-and-" I cut him off my putting my finger to his lips. Damn... Was I too forgiving? "It's ok Mark, ya didn't mean fir it ta happen." (A.N. None of that was type o's!!) I kissed him and pulled from his arms to go to the couch. "Y-You forgive me?" I leaned my head back groaning the laughing. "Mark, none of it was your fault! Jaesus." I rolled my eyes and turned on the tv. I'm glad me and Mark don't keep secrets. At least I hope not.

And let the hate begin!! Sssssooooooo sorry for not being present to update but writers block is a fucking bitch!! And uh sorry for the lame ass cliché chapter. But now if you don't mind I'm gonna drop my phone offa cliff and go and hide under the kitchen sink! Damnit!! Anyway... As always..
Haters gonna Hate!
Potatoes gonna Potate!
Peace and Love readers!!

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