Karma is a bitch.

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I meet Megan at a Mexican restaurant down the street from me called Meo's. Luckily for me all I had to do was walk down the street and it only took me about five minutes to get there. When I got there she wasn't there yet. I found a seat and I order us drinks. I have known her for a while so I knew exactly what to get her. A diet Coke. I got myself a Pepsi. After about ten minutes of me sitting there and staring at the menu she finally showed. We ordered the extreme large mild natchoes to share. We talked about old school memories and all our old school friends. We also talked about her job and my new job.

I remember when Megan use to date bother. I honestly hated that. I never said anything because my bother was so happy with her but I didn't like them together. Finally they both decided to break up. I remember when he died Megan didn't talk to me for weeks. I was mad at her for that. She ignored me when I needed her the most. Eventually she gave in and we started talking again.

"Okay well I have to leave in a hour. Don't want to miss my flight." Megan says standing up.

I stand up as well. We hug each other tight. Now that we have each others numbers we can keep in contact. "It was so nice seeing you." I say.


She leaves the restaurant.

I pay then leave. I take a left out the door not looking in front of me when..."BAM!"

I bump right into somebody. I feel something wet on my shirt and it is warm. I look up to See the guy that tripped me yesterday holding is crushed coffee cup in his to the side. I look at his white shirt and it has coffee all over it.

"Oh my god, I di-" He interprets me.

"Wow people are right. Karma is a bitch." he says well throwing his crushed spilled coffee cup away in the garbage can that sits next to him.

"Huh?" I say sounding confused.

"Well a couple days ago I tripped you and now you got your revenge on me by bumping into me and spilling this $7 cup of coffee all over me."

I couldn't help but laugh. He was so charming and funny.

"So like I said people are right, karma is a bitch." He says again grinning.

"I am sorry. Do you want me to buy you an other coffee?" I suggest.

He smiles and the butterflies kick in.

"No dont worry about it. I was just busting your Chops." He says still smiling.

It was quiet for a moment until he said something.

"By the way my name is Robert. Robert Downey Jr. but you can just call me Robert." He holds his hand out. I take his firm soft hand and and give it a shake.

"My name is Alex." I say.

"Well I have to get going. See you around?"

"Yeah." I say.

Robert walks down the street. I start to head back to the house. Something about Robert made me feel good inside.

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