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I was at school the time was 8:00a.m and I was waiting with len by the school entrance, I waited and there he was len kagamine, my boyfriend his blue shining eyes and blonde hair...his smile he was the package for you, you been dating a few months and he came up to and lightly kissed you on the cheek."good morning (y

)! I'm very super sorry I was late...again how are you?" len hold your hand as you giggle a little. "No need to say sorry len, so how are you doing? We walk inside our school building everyone looked at us."heh, I'm doing great now that I'm with you..." You looked at him smiling just when the school rang it was first period, math and you headed out and kissed len on the cheek.(time skip to lunch.)You got your lunch and pack a soda, chips and an chicken sandwich as you were preparing to eat len sat right by you."ah, hello len wanna have a bite of my chicken sandwich?" he took a bite."yum! This tastes really good! Did you made this?" I nodded and giggle a little."so (y

), do you wanna study at my house for the unit exam for science?" "sure! I need some help with some few things thank you so much!" me and len shared my chips since he forgot to make his lunch."Great so you'll walk with me to my house, right?" "yeah, sounds good." I clean my trash and went along my school work. (time skip to end of the day) I walked out of the school entrance and saw len waiting for me at the school gate he wave at me and I wave back I rush and came up to him. "okay let's go!" "yay!" we walked and talked we had a lot in common, as soon as we known we were at his house.his house was huge! We walked in and inside was a living room.the walls was dark oak color as well as the couch too. His house was a two story and the living room had a a 55 inch TV and had a dark oak coffee table he had pictures of him to 1 - 10 years old and a few picture of some of the other Vocaloids, len took off his coat and put it on a rack hanger."where's rin?" I took off my shoes off so did len."oh she lives with Miku and Luka there "best friends" she said and I "don't get how it feels to be a girl"..." he rolled his eyes as put our shoes in the closet. "so rin just left you and you live alone?" "yes...she's still my sister though..." "does it bother you?" he pause for a moment." yes, it does...alot actually I feel lonely because of it...i feel like no one's here for me..." I felt bad for him, len kagamine all alone when he gets home his sister rin, left her own brother for her friends, I look at him he look kinda sad I lift his chin up and made a half smile and hold his hands."I'm here...", I kiss him on the cheek and I get my bag and get my papers out he came up to me lightly touch my shoulders and hold me close. And kissed me on the cheek and played with my (h\l) hair I hold his hand and kissed him back. " I love you (y

)...thank you for being there for me...what would I do with out you?" I dropped my papers and hold his arms."i-i love you too len...i will always be here with you."he carried Me up to his room."len! We're supposed to study!!" "we can do that later...right now it's our time." we came to his room and he locked the door....


): hey guys Katie here (my real name) I hope you enjoy this chapter I'm going to write a other one right now now or this weekend, so that will be coming soon bye bye!!

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