It all started...

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Len's pov


It a Tuesday morning..."len! I'm leaving!" rin was packing all of her belongings in her room.i rush to her room and saw her packing up"h-hey what are you doing?" "leaving...good bye brother...enjoy life." "w-where are you going!?" she giggle and gave me a death stare." leaving you. I hate you! You never spend time with me you always play your video games and when I make food you bring it to your room and eat it without thank you! Your a mess no wonder you haven't had a girlfriend freak!" I felt anger rushing though me."go! Get out I won't miss you! Your not welcome in my house you bitch!" "bye freak! I'm going to love with people you actually listen with me! You don't know how it feels to be a girl! You never be there for me! I hate it! You never ask me how I feel!" she opened the door. "You don't know how it feels to be a boy having a sister from hell...and having to clean your mess you leave in the living room..." then she slam the I went to window and saw her not looking back then she got in a car and saw Luka and Miku and she went away. I felt worthless.i had depression after she left. i had nobody to talk to. no friends. no family. I was lonely for a few months...until i met you.... And I never felt lonely ever again and then I had feelings for you quickly and now we're here...

--end flashback--

There I turned to see y/n crying."don't cry...i have you now." I made a broken smile and cupped her cheeks and got her bangs out of her face and stare at her face and then she hugged me and I squeezed her back."oh must been terrible...i wish I  was there.... Is there anything I can do something to make you feel better..." I lift up her chin."but I'm all ready happy." she smiled and I kiss her."because I have you and you are my sun, my world, my everything... And I am so happy I have you. Honestly, your the most beautiful, smart, talent and funny girl I ever met..." "she blushed and smiled "I feel the same way about you to len..."

Y/n pov

I was blushing nonstop and then Len wipe my tears away and began kissing me."I love you y/n..." "I love you Too.." he stop kissing me and pick me Up and went upstairs into his room."len are we really going to-" he pointed at me and he pretend to zip his lips. "zip it! Leave it all to me! I'll do all the talking here!" "but len...its a-" "and no Buts aloud missy!" then he slip his tongue into my mouth and batting for dominance, I tried breaking the kiss but then len forced my head back the way it was and we started making our again. he undid my red bow around my neck and then unbutton my white uniform and took off my bra.then, he also took off my my short red skirt. Then he broke the kiss and lift my leg and slowly, took off my long red socks."oh y/n I think your running a fever~..." I blush and embarrassed and looked away."stop teasing me len..." I tried to get up but then he gently layed me back again."please don't go....i really need you" "but len... Tomorrow is a Tuesday... And I need to finish my homework... And practice for my test I have next week on math..." "well if we over sleep then I'll just call in sick...please I need to get my mind off of rin...i need to love somebody tonight and that's you...your the only person who actually likes me. Not for my please...." "fine...but only because I love you so much..."

Lens POV

I started to suck on her right bud and massage her left breast this time, she moaned which made me want to hear more..."aww~ I love hearing your moans! I want to hear more my love..." she was as red as a tomato which made me chucked a little."You get  embarrassed too easy..." then I started to took off y/n's panties started to finger me and lick my clit."len!" she started to moan loud uncontrollably as I pump more faster and more faster until she had her climax."oh len I'm going to-!" I pulled out my fingers and enjoy licking her spice I should say. I take off my shirt and took off my pants and boxers and got and condom out of my desk and put it on quickly and got on the bed again and got ready into position. "You ready? " "yes len please put it in me!!" I thrust into her fast and faster into her g-spot.

Y/n pov

"ahh...len...right there..." I cringe a little as he put his manhood inside of me but, I got used to it. i felt a something tight inside of my stomach getting tighter and tighter each thrust len made into my womanhood."len I think I'm going to cum soon..." "I think I'm going to cum right now...." he thrust me faster each second until he had his climax. I felt his creamy white warm liquid inside of me even though he was wearing a condom I still felt that sweet sweet cum."I cumming now!!" then I made my climax. We both catch out breaths and clasp onto the bed and both of us smiled "good night len.." "night y/n...thank you for letting me do that..." "well you where sad so I wanted to make to feel better..." "I love you y/n..." he turned to my side and I turned around looking us face forward. "I love you too len..."

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