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Len's p.o.v

I locked to the door, even though nobody else was here but us."(y

),  I have a question..." I got on top of lap so I could tease her, I could tell that she was going crazy but yet, to resist."yes what is it len..." I lick my lips and clear my throat." I.need.you.now." I came to her neck and undress her only leaving her with her (f\c) bra and panties."I stop kissing her neck and started kissing tough her spit and mine mix together she got the just of-it and match my Rhythm."good job (y

) your off to a good start for a Virgin.", I started rubbing her clit against her (f\c) panties."ahh...len there yes..." "I love when you mean my name (y

)..." "len stop teasing me...touch me please..." I smirk at her."that was all I needed to hear."I took off her panties at last then lick her clit  all around." len I'm gonna c-), I reach her finger inside of her and licked her spices."ahh (y

), you taste so great!" she blushed she came to me and removed my pants."this is pay-back" she touch my 7 inch-long member she went faster and faster."ahh!!" she put my manhood into her mouth."(y

) I'm comi-" My cum fly into the air in her face and hands I got up and began un-clasped her bra and massage her big boobs. "len...please I need you..." "as you wish~" I got on top of her and let my "friend" do all the work."ahh! Len it hurts!!" I stop and worried." are you okay? We can stop if you wan-" "no please len I want to make you mine..." I smirk at her."ah so needly alright then act like that way I don't mind..." I pound into her fast and hard she moaned as long of my room and bed moving along with our rhythm. I continue pounding into her fast and steady."len I'm close! " "me too! Just a few more pounds..." "LEN" "(Y\N)!! We fell on the bed catching our breaths "I love you len..." "I love you more (y

) we fell asleep

Readers p.o.v

I woke up and right there was len his right hand was around me and his left was on my Boob."You woke up huh? " len ask a smile. "morning..." he kissed me and called in sick and we cuddle...


Hey guys it's Katie hope you guys like I know it's sucks so... :P I hope you guys enjoy tell me in the comments if you want a other chapter of len x reader well anyways, bye~

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