Shopping :D

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Lens pov

I woke up at 4:00 am and left a note for y/n and got pick up by kaito and went to the closest Louie's tuxedo shop.


I woke up around 7:38am and saw a note on my bed-side table.

Dear y/n,

I had to get a tuxedo with kaito so I also planned a appointment for you to get your wedding dress Miku will pick you up at 9:00am and at 12:00pm kaito will pick up Mike then I thought we could get some things for the baby :D

Love len.

I got up and look at the time and saw it was 7:55pm. I glance at my stomach for a second and got in the shower

-- after shower --

I got out of the shower and glance at the time and it was 8:29am and got some clothes on and got on TV and watch the news.

News reporter: breaking news! Kagamine rin sentenced 90 years in prison for a trying  assassinating kagamine lens wife! Rin did it because she was jealous of lens relationship with Y/n l/n and with y/n's life. Now on with the commercial break!

I heard a knock on the door which was Miku I opened the door and saw her."hi! You must be lens wife?" "yes I'm am my name is y/n l/n."nice to meet you y/n I'm Miku!  Ready to go?" "sure."

(time skip to wedding shop)

"we're here!" she found a parking spot and helped me get out the car."thank you Miku..." we enter into the shop and saw a young lady who had black hair brown eyes  she had a gentle smile she was probably  around her  20's. I was guess she was a assistant."hello what can I do for you girls today?" "we had a appointment for her." then Miku pointed at me."oh okay then you must be Mrs.y/n l/n? Right?" then Miku whisper in my ear. "soon your last name is Mrs.kagamine..." I giggle and followed our assistance."okay girls take you time!" then she left to see who also came and help them also. "there's so much dresses..." we look around then I found the perfect one.

I called Miku to see my dress

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I called Miku to see my dress."wow! Len will love this! You should try it on and get it!!" "okay!  And also Miku?" "yeah?" "will you be my bridesmaid?" "me be the brides maid! It will be my honor! Thank y/n!!" I smiled and wait for her to find her a dress then when she did, we bought the dresses and left and I called len.

Len: hey honey, did you get a dress?

Me: yes, did you get a tuxedo with kaito?"

Len: yeah...we're about to get you guys so see you...

Me: okay by-

Len: wait! I forgot to tell you the wedding is tomorrow...

Me: tomorrow?! Ugh...alright..

Len: okay bye love you~

Me: love you too~

Len ended the call and minutes after he came to pick us up. Kaito  and Miku dropped us off at the mall and left."so what do we need aga-" "get stuff for the baby!" "oh okay then let's go."
We got a lot of baby stuff. To clothes to hats. And of course we got toys, powder, baby food and a bed.we left and stuff all of the items. Len opened the car door and helped me sit down."okay now y/n I have a surprise for you when you get home!" "what is it?" "it's a surprise~" 

time skip due to traffic D:

Lens pov

I arrived at home and quickly got out of the car and open the door for y/n."thank you len." "your welcome." then I covered her eyes and help to walk up the front door and I opened the door."okay open!" and then she opened the door.

Y/n pov

I saw the whole living room decorated black and white ribbons and white lights hanged to the wall."oh len it's beautiful!!" I walked and saw the food and even saw some small build in speakers. "len did you do this all by yourself?" "yes I did with help by kaito but mostly was me..." thank you len it's absolutely gorgeous!  I love it!" "

Time skip after dinner

"I'm tired from eating that food..." "same..." wanna go bed together?" "okay y/n.." I went up stairs to change and got in lens bed while I wait for him Minutes after he came into his room, and got in bed and look at my stomach."wow y/n our baby is growing super fast!" I blush and chucked."hey len what is going to be the baby's name?..." "I don't know..." "maybe we can give it a name soon..." I kiss len on his forehead And lips."good night lenny~" I turned to my side and he whisper in my ear."I love you too..."


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