the honeymoon!

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Y/n's pov

We woke up very early to get our things together. Our flight was only in a few hours so we weren't in a rush. I pack a few things like my clothes,headphones,laptop,swimsuit and a blanket. I got outside and went into lens room and brought a few things also like his swim shorts. " come on len!" "Hold on y/n!"

I went downstairs with my luggage and wait thrn he came after one minute. "Sorry y/n i was trying to get all of my stuff i needed for this trip because we are going to stay there for two weeks." "WHAT?!" I was surprised. He opened the door and got pick up by kaito and went on the airport.

(Time skip to airport)

We got dropped off and got in a very long line that seemed like miles. After we got passed the security, we turned in our passports and got in the airplane. It was going to be a other 8 hours and 28 minutes to arrive at hawaii. Len had his own blanket and took a nap since we woke up so early. I was watching tv that was on the seats.

(8 hours later)

Lens pov

I kinda open my eyes to see what was going on. 'I guess i been sleeping for awhile' i thought. We arivved to hawaii already. I saw y/n sleeping on my left shoulder. "Y/n its time go..." i got up and got mine and y/n's luggage to carry. Then i saw y/n blinking. "Ugh...are we here?" "Yeah..." i help her get up as we exited the plane and step down the stairs.

We got check by security and got out of the airport. Once we got out, it was so beautiful. The trees we walk out and got a taxi to my beach house.

(Time skip to da beach house)

We arivved to the beach house

the weather was great for swimming

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the weather was great for swimming. It was so relaxing. The wind flowed against our face. The sound of the waves just made me tried. I got up and got the keys to unlock the door and saw just the way it was the last time i came. "Wow len... this is so beautiful and relaxing..." y/n said in amazement. "Heh well we're staying here for 2 weeks so dont get too uses to it.." i chucked and got in one of the bedroom and unpack a few things. Y/n walked in to see what i was doing. "Hey len wanna go swim?" I smiled and nodded."sure! Hold on let me get my swimsuit on!" "Okay!" Then she walked out to go one of the other room.

Y/n's pov

I got in my room and change into my swimsuit. It was a a two piece.

After that, i got in the pool and waited for len to come

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After that, i got in the pool and waited for len to come. Then he came in with his black and yellow swimshorts.

 Then he came in with his black and yellow swimshorts

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(Fun fact: i have this figure XD)

"Hey sorry i took so long!" I swim on over to him and smiled."No worrys!" It was kinda quite for a few minutes after he finally said something. "So um, wanna go to the hottub? He pointed to it. "Sure!" We got out of the pool and got into the tub. It was little warm with the tub shooting bubbles non-stop. "So um y/n..remember what i said last night? About we arivved to hawaii?"

To be continued....


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